// ********************************************************************************** // ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server // ********************************************************************************** // Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License // You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license: // Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ // // For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog // http://hallard.me/category/tinfo // // This program works with the Wifinfo board // see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo // // Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me) // // History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release // // All text above must be included in any redistribution. // // ********************************************************************************** // Include Arduino header #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include // Global project file #include "Wifinfo.h" //WiFiManager wifi(0); ESP8266WebServer server(80); bool ota_blink; // Teleinfo TInfo tinfo; // RGB Loed NeoPixelBus rgb_led = NeoPixelBus(1, RGB_LED_PIN, NEO_RGB | NEO_KHZ800); // define whole brigtness level for RGBLED uint8_t rgb_brightness = 127; // LED Blink timers Ticker rgb_ticker; Ticker blu_ticker; Ticker red_ticker; Ticker Every_1_Sec; Ticker Tick_emoncms; Ticker Tick_jeedom; volatile boolean task_1_sec = false; volatile boolean task_emoncms = false; volatile boolean task_jeedom = false; unsigned long seconds = 0; // sysinfo data _sysinfo sysinfo; /* ====================================================================== Function: UpdateSysinfo Purpose : update sysinfo variables Input : true if first call true if needed to print on serial debug Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void UpdateSysinfo(boolean first_call, boolean show_debug) { char buff[64]; int32_t adc; int sec = seconds; int min = sec / 60; int hr = min / 60; sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("%02d:%02d:%02d"), hr, min % 60, sec % 60); sysinfo.sys_uptime = buff; } /* ====================================================================== Function: Task_1_Sec Purpose : update our second ticker Input : - Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void Task_1_Sec() { task_1_sec = true; seconds++; } /* ====================================================================== Function: Task_emoncms Purpose : callback of emoncms ticker Input : Output : - Comments: Like an Interrupt, need to be short, we set flag for main loop ====================================================================== */ void Task_emoncms() { task_emoncms = true; } /* ====================================================================== Function: Task_jeedom Purpose : callback of jeedom ticker Input : Output : - Comments: Like an Interrupt, need to be short, we set flag for main loop ====================================================================== */ void Task_jeedom() { task_jeedom = true; } /* ====================================================================== Function: LedOff Purpose : callback called after led blink delay Input : led (defined in term of PIN) Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void LedOff(int led) { #ifdef BLU_LED_PIN if (led==BLU_LED_PIN) LedBluOFF(); #endif if (led==RED_LED_PIN) LedRedOFF(); if (led==RGB_LED_PIN) LedRGBOFF(); } /* ====================================================================== Function: ADPSCallback Purpose : called by library when we detected a ADPS on any phased Input : phase number 0 for ADPS (monophase) 1 for ADIR1 triphase 2 for ADIR2 triphase 3 for ADIR3 triphase Output : - Comments: should have been initialised in the main sketch with a tinfo.attachADPSCallback(ADPSCallback()) ====================================================================== */ void ADPSCallback(uint8_t phase) { // Monophasé if (phase == 0 ) { Debugln(F("ADPS")); } else { Debug(F("ADPS Phase ")); Debugln('0' + phase); } } /* ====================================================================== Function: DataCallback Purpose : callback when we detected new or modified data received Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data value current state being TINFO_VALUE_ADDED/TINFO_VALUE_UPDATED Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void DataCallback(ValueList * me, uint8_t flags) { // This is for simulating ADPS during my tests // =========================================== /* static uint8_t test = 0; // Each new/updated values if (++test >= 20) { test=0; uint8_t anotherflag = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE; ValueList * anotherme = tinfo.addCustomValue("ADPS", "46", &anotherflag); // Do our job (mainly debug) DataCallback(anotherme, anotherflag); } Debugf("%02d:",test); */ // =========================================== /* // Do whatever you want there Debug(me->name); Debug('='); Debug(me->value); if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_NOTHING ) Debug(F(" Nothing")); if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED ) Debug(F(" Added")); if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED ) Debug(F(" Updated")); if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST ) Debug(F(" Exist")); if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ALERT ) Debug(F(" Alert")); Debugln(); */ } /* ====================================================================== Function: NewFrame Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void NewFrame(ValueList * me) { char buff[32]; // Light the RGB LED if ( config.config & CFG_RGB_LED) { LedRGBON(COLOR_GREEN); // led off after delay rgb_ticker.once_ms( (uint32_t) BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, (int) RGB_LED_PIN); } sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("New Frame (%ld Bytes free)"), ESP.getFreeHeap() ); Debugln(buff); } /* ====================================================================== Function: NewFrame Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data Output : - Comments: it's called only if one data in the frame is different than the previous frame ====================================================================== */ void UpdatedFrame(ValueList * me) { char buff[32]; // Light the RGB LED (purple) if ( config.config & CFG_RGB_LED) { LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); // led off after delay rgb_ticker.once_ms(BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, RGB_LED_PIN); } sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("Updated Frame (%ld Bytes free)"), ESP.getFreeHeap() ); Debugln(buff); /* // Got at least one ? if (me) { WiFiUDP myudp; IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); // start UDP server myudp.begin(1201); ip[3] = 255; // transmit broadcast package myudp.beginPacket(ip, 1201); // start of frame myudp.write(TINFO_STX); // Loop thru the node while (me->next) { me = me->next; // prepare line and write it sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("%s %s %c\n"),me->name, me->value, me->checksum ); myudp.write( buff); } // End of frame myudp.write(TINFO_ETX); myudp.endPacket(); myudp.flush(); } */ } /* ====================================================================== Function: ResetConfig Purpose : Set configuration to default values Input : - Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void ResetConfig(void) { // enable default configuration memset(&config, 0, sizeof(_Config)); // Set default Hostname sprintf_P(config.host, PSTR("WifInfo_%06X"), ESP.getChipId()); strcpy_P(config.ota_auth, PSTR(DEFAULT_OTA_AUTH)); config.ota_port = DEFAULT_OTA_PORT ; // Add other init default config here // Emoncms strcpy_P(config.emoncms.host, CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_HOST); config.emoncms.port = CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_PORT; strcpy_P(config.emoncms.url, CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_URL); config.emoncms.apikey[0] = '\0'; config.emoncms.node = 0; config.emoncms.freq = 0; // Jeedom strcpy_P(config.jeedom.host, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_HOST); config.jeedom.port = CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_PORT; strcpy_P(config.jeedom.url, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_URL); strcpy_P(config.jeedom.adco, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_ADCO); config.jeedom.apikey[0] = '\0'; config.jeedom.freq = 0; config.config |= CFG_RGB_LED; // save back saveConfig(); } /* ====================================================================== Function: WifiHandleConn Purpose : Handle Wifi connection / reconnection and OTA updates Input : setup true if we're called 1st Time from setup Output : state of the wifi status Comments: - ====================================================================== */ int WifiHandleConn(boolean setup = false) { int ret = WiFi.status(); if (setup) { DebuglnF("========== SDK Saved parameters Start"); WiFi.printDiag(DEBUG_SERIAL); DebuglnF("========== SDK Saved parameters End"); Debugflush(); // no correct SSID if (!*config.ssid) { DebugF("no Wifi SSID in config, trying to get SDK ones..."); // Let's see of SDK one is okay if ( WiFi.SSID() == "" ) { DebuglnF("Not found may be blank chip!"); } else { *config.psk = '\0'; // Copy SDK SSID strcpy(config.ssid, WiFi.SSID().c_str()); // Copy SDK password if any if (WiFi.psk() != "") strcpy(config.psk, WiFi.psk().c_str()); DebuglnF("found one!"); // save back new config saveConfig(); } } // correct SSID if (*config.ssid) { uint8_t timeout ; DebugF("Connecting to: "); Debug(config.ssid); Debugflush(); // Do wa have a PSK ? if (*config.psk) { // protected network Debug(F(" with key '")); Debug(config.psk); Debug(F("'...")); Debugflush(); WiFi.begin(config.ssid, config.psk); } else { // Open network Debug(F("unsecure AP")); Debugflush(); WiFi.begin(config.ssid); } timeout = 25; // 25 * 200 ms = 5 sec time out // 200 ms loop while ( ((ret = WiFi.status()) != WL_CONNECTED) && timeout ) { // Orange LED LedRGBON(COLOR_ORANGE); delay(50); LedRGBOFF(); delay(150); --timeout; } } // connected ? disable AP, client mode only if (ret == WL_CONNECTED) { DebuglnF("connected!"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); DebugF("IP address : "); Debugln(WiFi.localIP()); DebugF("MAC address : "); Debugln(WiFi.macAddress()); // not connected ? start AP } else { char ap_ssid[32]; DebuglnF("Error!"); Debugflush(); // SSID = hostname strcpy(ap_ssid, config.host ); DebugF("Switching to AP "); Debugln(ap_ssid); Debugflush(); // protected network if (*config.ap_psk) { DebugF(" with key '"); Debug(config.ap_psk); DebuglnF("'"); WiFi.softAP(ap_ssid, config.ap_psk); // Open network } else { DebuglnF(" with no password"); WiFi.softAP(ap_ssid); } WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); DebugF("IP address : "); Debugln(WiFi.softAPIP()); DebugF("MAC address : "); Debugln(WiFi.softAPmacAddress()); } // Set OTA parameters ArduinoOTA.setPort(config.ota_port); ArduinoOTA.setHostname(config.host); ArduinoOTA.setPassword(config.ota_auth); ArduinoOTA.begin(); // just in case your sketch sucks, keep update OTA Available // Trust me, when coding and testing it happens, this could save // the need to connect FTDI to reflash // Usefull just after 1st connexion when called from setup() before // launching potentially buggy main() for (uint8_t i=0; i<= 10; i++) { LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); delay(100); LedRGBOFF(); delay(200); ArduinoOTA.handle(); } } // if setup return WiFi.status(); } /* ====================================================================== Function: setup Purpose : Setup I/O and other one time startup stuff Input : - Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void setup() { char buff[32]; boolean reset_config = true; // Set CPU speed to 160MHz system_update_cpu_freq(160); //WiFi.disconnect(false); // Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected //WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); //WiFi.disconnect(); //delay(1000); // Init the RGB Led, and set it off rgb_led.Begin(); LedRGBOFF(); // Init the serial 1, Our Debug Serial TXD0 // note this serial can only transmit, just // enough for debugging purpose DEBUG_SERIAL.begin(115200); Debugln(F("\r\n\r\n==============")); Debug(F("WifInfo V")); Debugln(F(WIFINFO_VERSION)); Debugln(); Debugflush(); // Clear our global flags config.config = 0; // Our configuration is stored into EEPROM //EEPROM.begin(sizeof(_Config)); EEPROM.begin(1024); DebugF("Config size="); Debug(sizeof(_Config)); DebugF(" (emoncms="); Debug(sizeof(_emoncms)); DebugF(" jeedom="); Debug(sizeof(_jeedom)); Debugln(')'); Debugflush(); // Check File system init if (!SPIFFS.begin()) { // Serious problem DebuglnF("SPIFFS Mount failed"); } else { DebuglnF("SPIFFS Mount succesfull"); Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/"); while (dir.next()) { String fileName = dir.fileName(); size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize(); Debugf("FS File: %s, size: %d\n", fileName.c_str(), fileSize); } DebuglnF(""); } // Read Configuration from EEP if (readConfig()) { DebuglnF("Good CRC, not set!"); } else { // Reset Configuration ResetConfig(); // save back saveConfig(); // Indicate the error in global flags config.config |= CFG_BAD_CRC; DebuglnF("Reset to default"); } // We'll drive our onboard LED // old TXD1, not used anymore, has been swapped pinMode(RED_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); LedRedOFF(); // start Wifi connect or soft AP WifiHandleConn(true); // OTA callbacks ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); DebuglnF("Update Started"); ota_blink = true; }); ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() { LedRGBOFF(); DebuglnF("Update finished restarting"); }); ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { if (ota_blink) { LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); } else { LedRGBOFF(); } ota_blink = !ota_blink; //Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\n", (progress / (total / 100))); }); ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { LedRGBON(COLOR_RED); Debugf("Update Error[%u]: ", error); if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) DebuglnF("Auth Failed"); else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) DebuglnF("Begin Failed"); else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) DebuglnF("Connect Failed"); else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) DebuglnF("Receive Failed"); else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) DebuglnF("End Failed"); ESP.restart(); }); // Update sysinfo variable and print them UpdateSysinfo(true, true); server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/config_form.json", handleFormConfig); server.on("/json", sendJSON); server.on("/tinfo.json", tinfoJSONTable); server.on("/system.json", sysJSONTable); server.on("/config.json", confJSONTable); server.on("/spiffs.json", spiffsJSONTable); server.on("/wifiscan.json", wifiScanJSON); server.on("/factory_reset", handleFactoryReset); server.on("/reset", handleReset); // handler for the hearbeat server.on("/hb.htm", HTTP_GET, [&](){ server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/html", R"(OK)"); }); // handler for the /update form POST (once file upload finishes) server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, // handler once file upload finishes [&]() { server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError())?"FAIL":"OK"); ESP.restart(); }, // handler for upload, get's the sketch bytes, // and writes them through the Update object [&]() { HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; WiFiUDP::stopAll(); Debugf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str()); LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); ota_blink = true; //start with max available size if(!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)) Update.printError(Serial1); } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { if (ota_blink) { LedRGBON(COLOR_MAGENTA); } else { LedRGBOFF(); } ota_blink = !ota_blink; Debug("."); if(Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) Update.printError(Serial1); } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { //true to set the size to the current progress if(Update.end(true)) Debugf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize); else Update.printError(Serial1); LedRGBOFF(); } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED) { Update.end(); LedRGBOFF(); DebuglnF("Update was aborted"); } delay(0); } ); // All other not known server.onNotFound(handleNotFound); // serves all SPIFFS Web file with 24hr max-age control // to avoid multiple requests to ESP server.serveStatic("/font", SPIFFS, "/font","max-age=86400"); server.serveStatic("/js", SPIFFS, "/js" ,"max-age=86400"); server.serveStatic("/css", SPIFFS, "/css" ,"max-age=86400"); server.begin(); // Display configuration showConfig(); Debugln(F("HTTP server started")); // Teleinfo is connected to RXD2 (GPIO13) to // avoid conflict when flashing, this is why // we swap RXD1/RXD1 to RXD2/TXD2 // Note that TXD2 is not used teleinfo is receive only #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL1 Serial.begin(1200, SERIAL_7E1); Serial.swap(); #endif // Init teleinfo tinfo.init(); // Attach the callback we need // set all as an example tinfo.attachADPS(ADPSCallback); tinfo.attachData(DataCallback); tinfo.attachNewFrame(NewFrame); tinfo.attachUpdatedFrame(UpdatedFrame); //webSocket.begin(); //webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); // Light off the RGB LED LedRGBOFF(); // Update sysinfo every second Every_1_Sec.attach(1, Task_1_Sec); // Emoncms Update if needed if (config.emoncms.freq) Tick_emoncms.attach(config.emoncms.freq, Task_emoncms); // Jeedom Update if needed if (config.jeedom.freq) Tick_jeedom.attach(config.jeedom.freq, Task_jeedom); } /* ====================================================================== Function: loop Purpose : infinite loop main code Input : - Output : - Comments: - ====================================================================== */ void loop() { char c; // Do all related network stuff server.handleClient(); ArduinoOTA.handle(); //webSocket.loop(); // Only once task per loop, let system do it own task if (task_1_sec) { UpdateSysinfo(false, false); task_1_sec = false; } else if (task_emoncms) { emoncmsPost(); task_emoncms=false; } else if (task_jeedom) { jeedomPost(); task_jeedom=false; } // Handle teleinfo serial if ( Serial.available() ) { // Read Serial and process to tinfo c = Serial.read(); //Serial1.print(c); tinfo.process(c); } //delay(10); }