
563 lines
19 KiB

// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server, route web function
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use, see my blog
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include Arduino header
#include "route.h"
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleRoot
Purpose : handle main page /, display information
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleRoot(void)
String response="";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving / page..."));
// start HTML Code
response += F("<html><head>"
"<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>"
"<meta charset='UTF-8'>"
"<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>"
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='//'>"
// Our custom style
"<style type='text/css'>"
".nav-tabs {margin-top:4px;}"
".fixed-table-body {height:auto;}"
".progress {position:relative;}"
".progress span {position:absolute;display:block;width:100%;color:black;}"
"<script src=''></script>"
"<script src=''></script>"
response += F("<div class='container'>"
// Onglets
"<ul class='nav nav-tabs' id='myTab'>"
"<li class='active'>"
"<a href='#tab_tinfo' data-toggle='tab'>"
"Téléinformation <span class='badge' id='scharge'></span>"
"<li><a href='#tab_sys' data-toggle='tab'>Système</a></li>"
"<li><a href='#tab_cfg' data-toggle='tab'>Configuration</a></li>"
// Contenu des onglets
response += F("<div class='tab-content'>");
// tab teleinfo
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade in active' id='tab_tinfo'>"
"<h4>Données de Téléinformation</h4>"
"<div><span style='float:left;width:18ex;text-align:center;'>Charge courante : </span>"
"<div class='progress'>"
"<div class='progress-bar progress-bar-success' style='width:0' id='pbar'>"
"<span class=show id='pcharge'>Attente des données</span>"
"<div id='toolbar'>"
"<table data-toggle='table' "
"data-url='/tinfojsontbl' "
"class='table table-striped' "
"data-show-refresh='true' "
"data-show-toggle='true' "
"data-show-columns='true' "
"data-search='true' "
"data-row-style='rowStyle' "
"id='tblinfo' "
"<th data-field='na' data-align='left' data-sortable='true' data-formatter='labelFormatter'>Etiquette</th>"
"<th data-field='va' data-align='left' data-sortable='true' data-formatter='valueFormatter'>Valeur</th>"
"<th data-field='ck' data-align='center'>Checksum</th>"
"<th data-field='fl' data-align='center' data-visible='false'>Flags</th>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
// tab Systeme
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade' id='tab_sys'>"
"<h4>Données du système</h4>"
"<table data-toggle='table' "
"data-url='/sysjsontbl' "
"class='table table-striped' "
"data-show-refresh='true' "
"data-show-toggle='true' "
"data-search='true' "
"id='tblsys' "
"<th data-field='na' data-align='left'>Donnée</th>"
"<th data-field='va' data-align='left'>Valeur</th>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
// tab Configuration
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade' id='tab_cfg'>"
"<h4>Configuration du module WifInfo</h4>"
"<p>Cette partie reste à faire, des volontaires motivés ?</p>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
response += F("</div>"); // tab content
response += F("<script>$( document ).ready(function() {"));
response += F("$.getq('queue','/"));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("', function(data) { $('#"));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("').html(data."));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("); });"));
response += F("});</script>"));
response += F("</div>\r\n"); // Container
response += F("<script src=''></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script src='//'></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script src='//'></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script>" "\r\n"
"var counters={};"
"var isousc, iinst;"
"function rowStyle(row, index){" "\r\n"
"var classes=['active','success','info','warning','danger'];" "\r\n"
"var flags=parseInt(row.fl,10);" "\r\n"
"if (flags&0x80){return{classes:classes[4]};}""\r\n"
"if (flags&0x02){return{classes:classes[3]};}""\r\n"
"if (flags&0x08){return{classes:classes[1]};}""\r\n"
"return {};""\r\n"
"function labelFormatter(value, row){" "\r\n"
"var flags=parseInt(row.fl,10);" "\r\n"
"if (typeof counters[value]==='undefined') counters[value]=1;" "\r\n"
"if (flags&0x88) counters[value]++;" "\r\n"
"return value + ' <span class=\"badge\">'+counters[value]+'</span>';" "\r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"function valueFormatter(value, row){" "\r\n"
"if (\"ISOUSC\")" "\r\n"
"isousc=parseInt(value);" "\r\n"
"else if (\"IINST\"){" "\r\n"
"var pb, pe, cl;" "\r\n"
"iinst=parseInt(value);" "\r\n"
"pe=parseInt(iinst*100/isousc);" "\r\n"
"if (isNaN(pe)) pe=0;" "\r\n"
"cl='success';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>70) cl ='info';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>80) cl ='warning';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>90) cl ='danger';" "\r\n"
"cl = 'progress-bar-' + cl;" "\r\n"
"if (pe>0) $('#scharge').text(pe+'%');" "\r\n"
"if (typeof isousc!='undefined')" "\r\n"
" $('#pcharge').text(iinst+'A / '+isousc+'A');" "\r\n"
"$('#pbar').attr('class','progress-bar '+cl);" "\r\n"
"$('#pbar').css('width', pe+'%');"" \r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"return value;" "\r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"</script>" "\r\n");
response += F("<script>" "\r\n"
"var myTimer;" "\r\n"
"function myRefresh(){" "\r\n"
"var id=$('.nav-tabs .active > a').attr('href');" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tab_tinfo') id='#tblinfo';" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tab_sys') id='#tblsys';" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Refreshing : '+id);" "\r\n"
"clearInterval(myTimer);" "\r\n"
"$('#tblinfo').bootstrapTable('refresh',{silent: true});" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tblsys')" "\r\n"
"$(id).bootstrapTable('refresh',{silent: true});" "\r\n"
"$(function () {" "\r\n"
"$('#tblinfo').on('', function (e, data) {" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Event:');" "\r\n"
"myTimer=setInterval(function(){myRefresh()},1000);" "\r\n"
"})" "\r\n"
".on('', function (e, status) {" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Event:');" "\r\n"
"myTimer=setInterval(function(){myRefresh()},5000);" "\r\n"
"})" "\r\n"
"});" "\r\n"
response += F("</body></html>\r\n");
// Just to debug buffer free size
Debug(F("sending "));
Debug(F(" bytes..."));
// Send response to client
server.send ( 200, "text/html", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: formatNumberJSON
Purpose : check if data value is full number and send correct JSON format
Input : String where to add response
char * value to check
Output : -
Comments: 00150 => 150
1 => 1
====================================================================== */
void formatNumberJSON( String &response, char * value)
// we have at least something ?
if (value && strlen(value))
boolean isNumber = true;
uint8_t c;
char * p = value;
// just to be sure
if (strlen(p)<=16) {
// check if value is number
while (*p && isNumber) {
if ( *p < '0' || *p > '9' )
isNumber = false;
// this will add "" on not number values
if (!isNumber) {
response += '\"' ;
response += value ;
response += F("\":") ;
} else {
// this will remove leading zero on numbers
p = value;
while (*p=='0' && *(p+1) )
response += p ;
} else {
Debugln(F("formatNumberJSON error!"));
/* ======================================================================
Function: tinfoJSONTable
Purpose : dump all teleinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void tinfoJSONTable(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /tinfoJSONTable page...\r\n"));
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
uint8_t index=0;
boolean first_item = true;
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// First item do not add , separator
if (first_item)
first_item = false;
response += F(",\r\n");
Debug(F("(")) ;
Debug(++index) ;
Debug(F(") ")) ;
if (me->name) Debug(me->name) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F("=")) ;
if (me->value) Debug(me->value) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F(" '")) ;
Debug(me->checksum) ;
Debug(F("' "));
// Flags management
if ( me->flags) {
Debugf("%02X => ", me->flags);
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST)
Debug(F("Exist ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED)
Debug(F("Updated ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED)
Debug(F("New ")) ;
Debugln() ;
response += F("{\"na\":\"");
response += me->name ;
response += F("\", \"va\":\"") ;
response += me->value;
response += F("\", \"ck\":\"") ;
if (me->checksum == '"' || me->checksum == '\\' || me->checksum == '/')
response += '\\';
response += (char) me->checksum;
response += F("\", \"fl\":");
response += me->flags ;
response += '}' ;
// Json end
response += F("\r\n]");
} else {
Debugln(F("sending 404..."));
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: sysJSONTable
Purpose : dump all sysinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sysJSONTable()
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /sysJSONTable page..."));
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
response += "{\"na\":\"Uptime\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_uptime;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Compile le\",\"va\":\"" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Ram\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_free_ram;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Flash Real Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_flash_real_size ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Firmware Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_firmware_size;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_firmware_free;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Wifi SSID\",\"va\":\"";
response += config.ssid;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"OTA Network Port\",\"va\":";
response += config.ota_port ;
response += "},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Wifi RSSI\",\"va\":\"";
response += WiFi.RSSI() ;
response += " dB\"}\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Analog\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_analog;
response += " dB\"}\r\n";
// Json end
response += F("]\r\n");
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: sendJSON
Purpose : dump all values in JSON
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sendJSON(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
// Json start
response += F("{\"_UPTIME\":");
response += seconds;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
response += F(",\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
// Json end
response += F("}\r\n") ;
} else {
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleNotFound
Purpose : default WEB routing when URI is not found
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: We search is we have a name that match to this URI, if one we
return it's pair name/value in json
====================================================================== */
void handleNotFound(void)
String response = "";
// We check for an known label
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
const char * uri;
boolean found = false;
// Led on
// convert uri to char * for compare
uri = server.uri().c_str();
Debugf("handleNotFound(%s)\r\n", uri);
// Got at least one and consistent URI ?
if (me && uri && *uri=='/' && *++uri ) {
// Loop thru the linked list of values
while (me->next && !found) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
//Debugf("compare to '%s' ", me->name);
// Do we have this one ?
if (stricmp (me->name, uri) == 0 )
// no need to continue
found = true;
// Add to respone
response += F("{\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
response += F("}\r\n");
// Got it, send json
if (found) {
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
} else {
// send error message in plain text
String message = "File Not Found\n\n";
message += "URI: ";
message += server.uri();
message += "\nMethod: ";
message += ( server.method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST";
message += "\nArguments: ";
message += server.args();
message += "\n";
for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++ ) {
message += " " + server.argName ( i ) + ": " + server.arg ( i ) + "\n";
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", message );
// Led off