
658 lines
17 KiB

// **********************************************************************************
// Driver definition for French Teleinfo
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// Code based on following datasheet
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
#include "LibTeleinfo.h"
/* ======================================================================
Class : TInfo
Purpose : Constructor
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
// Init of our linked list = NULL;
_valueslist.value = NULL;
_valueslist.checksum = '\0';
_valueslist.flags = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE;
// callback
_fn_ADPS = NULL;
_fn_data = NULL;
_fn_new_frame = NULL;
_fn_updated_frame = NULL;
/* ======================================================================
Function: init
Purpose : configure ULPNode I/O ports
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::init()
// free up linked list (in case on recall init())
// clear our receive buffer
// We're in INIT in term of receive data
_state = TINFO_INIT;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachADPS
Purpose : attach a callback when we detected a ADPS on any phase
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachADPS(void (*fn_ADPS)(uint8_t phase))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_ADPS = fn_ADPS;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachNewData
Purpose : attach a callback when we detected a new/changed value
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachData(void (*fn_data)(ValueList * valueslist, uint8_t state))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_data = fn_data;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachNewFrame
Purpose : attach a callback when we received a full frame
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachNewFrame(void (*fn_new_frame)(ValueList * valueslist))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_new_frame = fn_new_frame;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachChangedFrame
Purpose : attach a callback when we received a full frame where data
has changed since the last frame (cool to update data)
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachUpdatedFrame(void (*fn_updated_frame)(ValueList * valueslist))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_updated_frame = fn_updated_frame;
/* ======================================================================
Function: clearBuffer
Purpose : clear and init the buffer
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
uint8_t TInfo::clearBuffer()
// Clear our buffer, set index to 0
memset(_recv_buff, 0, TINFO_BUFSIZE);
_recv_idx = 0;
/* ======================================================================
Function : valueAdd
Purpose : Add element to the Linked List of values
Input : Pointer to the label name
pointer to the value
checksum value
state of the label (filled by function)
Output : pointer to the new node (or founded one)
state of the label changed by the function
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::valueAdd(char * name, char * value, uint8_t checksum, uint8_t * valuestate)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t lgname = strlen(name);
uint8_t lgvalue = strlen(value);
// clear flags
*valuestate = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE ;
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me && lgname && lgvalue && checksum) {
// Create pointer on the new node
ValueList *newNode = NULL;
ValueList *parNode = NULL ;
// By default we done nothing
*valuestate = TINFO_FLAGS_NOTHING;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// save parent node
parNode = me ;
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// Check if we already have this LABEL
if (strncmp(me->name, name, lgname) == 0) {
// Already got also this value, return US
if (strncmp(me->value, value, lgvalue) == 0) {
me->flags = TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST;
*valuestate = me->flags;
return ( me );
else {
// We changed the value
*valuestate = me->flags;
// Do we have enought space to hold new value ?
if (strlen(me->value) >= lgvalue ) {
// Copy it
strncpy(me->value, value , lgvalue );
me->checksum = checksum ;
// That's all
return (me);
else {
// indicate parent node next following node instead of me
parNode->next = me->next;
// Return to parent (that will now point on next node and not us)
me = parNode;
// free up this node
free (me);
// Our linked list structure sizeof(ValueList)
// + Name + '\0'
// + Value + '\0'
size_t size = sizeof(ValueList) + lgname + 1 + lgvalue + 1 ;
// Create new node with size to store strings
if ((newNode = (ValueList *) malloc(size) ) == NULL) {
return ( (ValueList *) NULL );
else {
// get our buffer Safe
memset(newNode, 0, size);
// We not changed this node ?
if (me->flags != TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED)
// so we added this node !
me->flags = TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED;
*valuestate = me->flags ;
// Put the new node on the list
me->next = newNode;
// First String located after last struct element
// Second String located after the First + \0
newNode->checksum = checksum;
newNode->name = (char *) newNode + sizeof(ValueList);
newNode->value = (char *) newNode->name + lgname + 1;
// Copy the string data
memcpy(newNode->name , name , lgname );
memcpy(newNode->value, value , lgvalue );
// return pointer on the new node
return (newNode);
// Error or Already Exists
return ( (ValueList *) NULL);
/* ======================================================================
Function : valueGet
Purpose : get value of one element
Input : Pointer to the label name
pointer to the value where we fill data
Output : pointer to the value where we filled data NULL is not found
====================================================================== */
char * TInfo::valueGet(char * name, char * value)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t lgname = strlen(name);
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me && lgname) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// Check if we match this LABEL
if (strncmp(me->name, name, lgname) == 0) {
// this one has a value ?
if (me->value) {
// copy to dest buffer
uint8_t lgvalue = strlen(me->value);
strncpy(value, me->value , lgvalue );
return ( value );
// not found
return ( NULL);
/* ======================================================================
Function : getTopList
Purpose : return a pointer on the top of the linked list
Input : -
Output : Pointer
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::getList(void)
// Get our linked list
return &_valueslist;
/* ======================================================================
Function : valuesDump
Purpose : dump linked list content
Input : -
Output : total number of values
====================================================================== */
uint8_t TInfo::valuesDump(void)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t index = 0;
// Got one ?
if (me) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
TI_Debug(index) ;
TI_Debug(F(") ")) ;
if (me->name)
TI_Debug(me->name) ;
TI_Debug(F("NULL")) ;
TI_Debug(F("=")) ;
if (me->value)
TI_Debug(me->value) ;
TI_Debug(F("NULL")) ;
TI_Debug(F(" '")) ;
TI_Debug(me->checksum) ;
TI_Debug(F("' "));
// Flags management
if ( me->flags) {
TI_Debug(F("Flags : "));
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST)
TI_Debug(F("Exist ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED)
TI_Debug(F("Updated ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED)
TI_Debug(F("New ")) ;
TI_Debugln() ;
return index;
/* ======================================================================
Function: labelCount
Purpose : Count the number of label in the list
Input : -
Output : element numbers
====================================================================== */
int TInfo::labelCount()
int count = 0;
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
if (me)
while ((me = me->next))
return (count);
/* ======================================================================
Function: listDelete
Purpose : Delete the ENTIRE Linked List, not a value
Input : -
Output : True if Ok False Otherwise
====================================================================== */
boolean TInfo::listDelete()
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
// Got a pointer
if (me) {
ValueList *current;
// For each linked list
while ((current = me->next)) {
// Get the next
me->next = current->next;
// Free the current
// Free the top element
me->next = NULL ;
// Ok
return (true);
return (false);
/* ======================================================================
Function: checksum
Purpose : calculate the checksum based on data/value fields
Input : label name
label value
Output : checksum
Comments: return '\0' in case of error
====================================================================== */
unsigned char TInfo::calcChecksum(char *etiquette, char *valeur)
uint8_t i ;
uint8_t sum = ' '; // Somme des codes ASCII du message + un espace
// avoid dead loop, always check all is fine
if (etiquette && valeur) {
// this will not hurt and may save our life ;-)
if (strlen(etiquette) && strlen(valeur)) {
while (*etiquette)
sum += *etiquette++ ;
sum += *valeur++ ;
return ( (sum & 63) + ' ' ) ;
return 0;
/* ======================================================================
Function: customLabel
Purpose : do action when received a correct label / value + checksum line
Input : plabel : pointer to string containing the label
: pvalue : pointer to string containing the associated value
Output :
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::customLabel( char * plabel, char * pvalue)
// Traitement de l'ADPS demandé
if (_fn_ADPS) {
// Monophasé
if (strcmp(plabel, "ADPS")==0 )
// triphasé c'est ADIR + Num Phase
if (plabel[0]=='A' && plabel[1]=='D' && plabel[2]=='I' && plabel[3]=='R' )
if (plabel[4]>='1' && plabel[4]<='3')
/* ======================================================================
Function: checkLine
Purpose : check one line of teleinfo received
Input : -
Output : pointer to the data object in the linked list if OK else NULL
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::checkLine(char * pline)
char * p;
char * ptok;
char * pend;
char * pvalue;
char checksum;
char buff[TINFO_BUFSIZE];
uint8_t value_state;
boolean err = true ; // Assume error
int len ; // Group len
if (pline==NULL)
return NULL;
len = strlen(pline);
// a line should be at least 7 Char
// 2 Label + Space + 1 etiquette + space + checksum + \r
if ( len < 7 )
return NULL;
// Get our own working copy
strncpy( buff, _recv_buff, len+1);
p = &buff[0];
ptok = p; // for sure we start with token name
pend = p + len; // max size
// Init values
pvalue = NULL;
checksum = 0;
//TI_Debug("Got [");
//TI_Debug("] ");
// Loop in buffer
while ( p < pend ) {
// start of token value
if ( *p==' ' && ptok) {
// Isolate token name
*p++ = '\0';
// 1st space, it's the label value
if (!pvalue)
pvalue = p;
// 2nd space, so it's the checksum
checksum = *p;
// new line ? ok we got all we need ?
if ( *p=='\r' ) {
// Good format ?
if ( ptok && pvalue && checksum ) {
// Always check to avoid bad behavior
if(strlen(ptok) && strlen(pvalue)) {
// Is checksum is OK
if ( calcChecksum(ptok,pvalue) == checksum) {
// In case we need to do things on specific labels
customLabel(ptok, pvalue);
// Add value to linked lists of values
ValueList * me = valueAdd(ptok, pvalue, checksum, &value_state);
// value correctly added/changed
if ( me ) {
// something to do with new datas
// this frame will for sure be updated
_frame_updated = true;
// Do we need to advertise user callback
if (_fn_data)
_fn_data(me, value_state);
// Next char
} // While
return NULL;
/* ======================================================================
Function: process
Purpose : teleinfo serial char received processing, should be called
my main loop, this will take care of managing all the other
Input : pointer to the serial used
Output : teleinfo global state
====================================================================== */
_State_e TInfo::process(char c)
// be sure 7 bits only
c &= 0x7F;
// What we received ?
switch (c) {
// start of transmission ???
// Clear buffer, begin to store in it
// by default frame is not "updated"
// if data change we'll set this flag
_frame_updated = false;
// We were waiting fo this one ?
if (_state == TINFO_INIT || _state == TINFO_WAIT_STX ) {
_state = TINFO_WAIT_ETX;
// End of transmission ?
// Normal working mode ?
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// Get on top of our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
// Call user callback if any
if (_frame_updated && _fn_updated_frame)
else if (_fn_new_frame)
// We were waiting fo this one ?
if (_state == TINFO_WAIT_ETX) {
_state = TINFO_READY;
else if ( _state == TINFO_INIT) {
_state = TINFO_WAIT_STX ;
// Start of group \n ?
// Do nothing we'll work at end of group
// we can safely ignore this char
// End of group \r ?
// Are we ready to process ?
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// Store data recceived (we'll need it)
if ( _recv_idx < TINFO_BUFSIZE)
// clear the end of buffer (paranoia inside)
memset(&_recv_buff[_recv_idx], 0, TINFO_BUFSIZE-_recv_idx);
// check the group we've just received
checkLine(_recv_buff) ;
// Whatever error or not, we done
// other char ?
// Only in a ready state of course
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// If buffer is not full, Store data
if ( _recv_idx < TINFO_BUFSIZE)