
292 lines
7.9 KiB

// **********************************************************************************
// Arduino Teleinfo sample, return JSON data of modified teleinfo values received
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// for detailled explanation of this library see dedicated article
// For any explanation about teleinfo or use, see my blog
// connect Teleinfo RXD pin To Arduin D3
// see schematic here
// and dedicated article here
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <LibTeleinfo.h>
// Arduino on board LED
// I use moteino, so it's D9
// classic Arduino is D13
#define LEDPIN 9
//#define LEDPIN 13
// Teleinfo Serial (on D3)
SoftwareSerial Serial1(3,4);
TInfo tinfo; // Teleinfo object
// Pour clignotement LED asynchrone
unsigned long blinkLed = 0;
uint8_t blinkDelay= 0;
// Uptime timer
volatile boolean tick1sec=0;// one for interrupt, don't mess with
unsigned long uptime=0; // save value we can use in sketch even if we're interrupted
// Used to indicate if we need to send all date or just modified ones
boolean fulldata = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: ADPSCallback
Purpose : called by library when we detected a ADPS on any phased
Input : phase number
0 for ADPS (monophase)
1 for ADIR1 triphase
2 for ADIR2 triphase
3 for ADIR3 triphase
Output : -
Comments: should have been initialised in the main sketch with a
====================================================================== */
void ADPSCallback(uint8_t phase)
// Envoyer JSON { "ADPS"; n}
// n = numero de la phase 1 à 3
if (phase == 0)
phase = 1;
Serial.print('0' + phase);
/* ======================================================================
Function: NewFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void NewFrame(ValueList * me)
// Start short led blink
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
blinkLed = millis();
blinkDelay = 50; // 50ms
// Envoyer les valeurs uniquement si demandé
if (fulldata)
sendJSON(me, true);
fulldata = false;
/* ======================================================================
Function: UpdatedFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: it's called only if one data in the frame is different than
the previous frame
====================================================================== */
void UpdatedFrame(ValueList * me)
// Start long led blink
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
blinkLed = millis();
blinkDelay = 50; // 50ms
// Envoyer les valeurs
sendJSON(me, fulldata);
fulldata = false;
/* ======================================================================
Function: sendJSON
Purpose : dump teleinfo values on serial
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sendJSON(ValueList * me, boolean all)
bool firstdata = true;
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
// Json start
if (all) {
Serial.print(uptime, DEC);
firstdata = false;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// uniquement sur les nouvelles valeurs ou celles modifiées
// sauf si explicitement demandé toutes
if ( all || ( me->flags & (TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED | TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED) ) )
// First elemement, no comma
if (firstdata)
firstdata = false;
Serial.print(F(", ")) ;
Serial.print(F("\"")) ;
Serial.print(me->name) ;
Serial.print(F("\":")) ;
// we have at least something ?
if (me->value && strlen(me->value))
boolean isNumber = true;
uint8_t c;
char * p = me->value;
// check if value is number
while (*p && isNumber) {
if ( *p < '0' || *p > '9' )
isNumber = false;
// this will add "" on not number values
if (!isNumber) {
Serial.print(F("\"")) ;
Serial.print(me->value) ;
Serial.print(F("\"")) ;
// this will remove leading zero on numbers
// Json end
Serial.println(F("}")) ;
/* ======================================================================
Purpose : Interrupt that gets called once a second
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
// got our second ticker
tick1sec = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: setup
Purpose : Setup I/O and other one time startup stuff
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void setup()
// disable global interrupts
// set timer1 to fire event every second
TCCR1A = 0; // set entire TCCR1A register to 0
TCCR1B = 0; // same for TCCR1B
OCR1A = 15624; // set compare match register to desired timer count. 16 MHz with 1024 prescaler = 15624 counts/s
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // turn on CTC mode. clear timer on compare match
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); // Set CS10 and CS12 bits for 1024 prescaler
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12);
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer compare interrupt
// enable global interrupts
// Arduino LED
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
// Serial, pour le debug
// Configure Teleinfo Soft serial
// La téléinfo est connectee sur D3
// ceci permet d'eviter les conflits avec la
// vraie serial lors des uploads
// Init teleinfo
// Attacher les callback dont nous avons besoin
// pour cette demo, ADPS et TRAME modifiée
/* ======================================================================
Function: loop
Purpose : infinite loop main code
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void loop()
static char c;
// Avons nous recu un ticker de seconde?
if (tick1sec)
tick1sec = false;
// Forcer un envoi de trame complète toutes les minutes
// fulldata sera remis à 0 après l'envoi
if (uptime % 60 == 0)
fulldata = true;
// On a reçu un caractère ?
if ( Serial1.available() ) {
// Le lire
c =;
// Gerer
// Verifier si le clignotement LED doit s'arreter
if (blinkLed && ((millis()-blinkLed) >= blinkDelay))
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
blinkLed = 0;