sed -i 's|<enable type="bool" desc="Controls whether SSL encryption between coolwsd and the network is enabled (do not disable for production deployment). If default is false, must first be compiled with SSL support to enable." default="true">true</enable>|<enable type="bool" desc="Controls whether SSL encryption between coolwsd and the network is enabled (do not disable for production deployment). If default is false, must first be compiled with SSL support to enable." default="true">false</enable>|g' /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml
sed -i 's|<termination desc="Connection via proxy where coolwsd acts as working via https, but actually uses http." type="bool" default="true">false</termination>|<termination desc="Connection via proxy where coolwsd acts as working via https, but actually uses http." type="bool" default="true">true</termination>|g' /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml