#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 tteck # Author: tteck (tteckster) # License: MIT # https://github.com/tteck/Proxmox/raw/main/LICENSE clear while true; do read -p "Install the latest Intel Processor Microcode (y/n)?" yn case $yn in [Yy]*) break ;; [Nn]*) exit ;; *) echo "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done clear cat <<"EOF" ____ __ __ __ ____ __ / _/___ / /____ / / / |/ (_)_____________ _________ ____/ /__ / // __ \/ __/ _ \/ / / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ / _ \ _/ // / / / /_/ __/ / / / / / / /__/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ /___/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ /_/ /_/_/\___/_/ \____/\___/\____/\__,_/\___/ EOF YW=$(echo "\033[33m") GN=$(echo "\033[1;92m") CL=$(echo "\033[m") BFR="\\r\\033[K" HOLD="-" CM="${GN}✓${CL}" set -euo pipefail shopt -s inherit_errexit nullglob msg_info() { local msg="$1" echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..." } msg_ok() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}" } msg_info "Installing iucode-tool: a tool for updating Intel processor microcode" apt-get install -y iucode-tool &>/dev/null msg_ok "Installed iucode-tool" msg_info "Downloading the latest Intel Processor Microcode Package for Linux" release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/intel/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files/releases/latest | awk -F'"' '/tag_name/{print $4}' | tr -cd '[:digit:]') wget -q http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free-firmware/i/intel-microcode/intel-microcode_3.${release}.1_amd64.deb msg_ok "Downloaded the latest Intel Processor Microcode Package" msg_info "Installing the Intel Processor Microcode (Patience)" dpkg -i intel-microcode_3.${release}.1_amd64.deb &>/dev/null msg_ok "Installed the Intel Processor Microcode" msg_info "Cleaning up" rm intel-microcode_3.${release}.1_amd64.deb msg_ok "Cleaned" echo -e "\n To apply the settings, the system will need to be rebooted.\n"