#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 tteck # Author: tteck (tteckster) # License: MIT # https://github.com/tteck/Proxmox/raw/main/LICENSE function header_info { clear cat <<"EOF" _ __ _ ____ __ ___ / | / /___ _(_)___ _ __ / __ \_________v5_ ____ __ / |/ /___ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ / |/ / __ / / __ \| |/_/ / /_/ / ___/ __ \| |/_/ / / / / /|_/ / __ / __ \/ __ / __ / _ \/ ___/ / /| / /_/ / / / / /> < / ____/ / / /_/ /> &1 1>&2 2>&3); then echo -e "${DGN}Using Container Type: ${BGN}$CT_TYPE${CL}" else exit-script fi if PW1=$(whiptail --inputbox "\nSet Root Password (needed for root ssh access)" 9 58 --title "PASSWORD(leave blank for automatic login)" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $PW1 ]; then PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" " else PW="-password $PW1" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Root Password: ${BGN}$PW1${CL}" else exit-script fi if CT_ID=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Container ID" 8 58 $NEXTID --title "CONTAINER ID" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$CT_ID" ]; then CT_ID="$NEXTID" echo -e "${DGN}Using Container ID: ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}" else echo -e "${DGN}Container ID: ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}" fi else exit fi if CT_NAME=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Hostname" 8 58 $NSAPP --title "HOSTNAME" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$CT_NAME" ]; then HN="$NSAPP" else HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ') fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Hostname: ${BGN}$HN${CL}" else exit-script fi if DISK_SIZE=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Disk Size in GB" 8 58 $var_disk --title "DISK SIZE" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$DISK_SIZE" ]; then DISK_SIZE="$var_disk" echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size: ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}" else if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]]; then echo -e "${RD}⚠ DISK SIZE MUST BE AN INTEGER NUMBER!${CL}" advanced_settings fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size: ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if CORE_COUNT=$(whiptail --inputbox "Allocate CPU Cores" 8 58 $var_cpu --title "CORE COUNT" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$CORE_COUNT" ]; then CORE_COUNT="$var_cpu" echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Cores: ${BGN}$CORE_COUNT${CL}" else echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Cores: ${BGN}$CORE_COUNT${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if RAM_SIZE=$(whiptail --inputbox "Allocate RAM in MiB" 8 58 $var_ram --title "RAM" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$RAM_SIZE" ]; then RAM_SIZE="$var_ram" echo -e "${DGN}Allocated RAM: ${BGN}$RAM_SIZE${CL}" else echo -e "${DGN}Allocated RAM: ${BGN}$RAM_SIZE${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if BRG=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Bridge" 8 58 vmbr0 --title "BRIDGE" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z "$BRG" ]; then BRG="vmbr0" echo -e "${DGN}Using Bridge: ${BGN}$BRG${CL}" else echo -e "${DGN}Using Bridge: ${BGN}$BRG${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if NET=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Static IPv4 CIDR Address(/24)" 8 58 dhcp --title "IP ADDRESS" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $NET ]; then NET="dhcp" echo -e "${DGN}Using IP Address: ${BGN}$NET${CL}" else echo -e "${DGN}Using IP Address: ${BGN}$NET${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if GATE1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Gateway IP (mandatory if Static IP was used)" 8 58 --title "GATEWAY IP" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then GATE1="Default" GATE="" else GATE=",gw=$GATE1" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address: ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}" else exit-script fi if (whiptail --defaultno --title "IPv6" --yesno "Disable IPv6?" 10 58); then DISABLEIP6="yes" else DISABLEIP6="no" fi echo -e "${DGN}Disable IPv6: ${BGN}$DISABLEIP6${CL}" if MTU1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Interface MTU Size (leave blank for default)" 8 58 --title "MTU SIZE" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $MTU1 ]; then MTU1="Default" MTU="" else MTU=",mtu=$MTU1" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Interface MTU Size: ${BGN}$MTU1${CL}" else exit-script fi if SD=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a DNS Search Domain (leave blank for HOST)" 8 58 --title "DNS Search Domain" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $SD ]; then SX=Host SD="" else SX=$SD SD="-searchdomain=$SD" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using DNS Search Domain: ${BGN}$SX${CL}" else exit-script fi if NX=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a DNS Server IP (leave blank for HOST)" 8 58 --title "DNS SERVER IP" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $NX ]; then NX=Host NS="" else NS="-nameserver=$NX" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using DNS Server IP Address: ${BGN}$NX${CL}" else exit-script fi if MAC1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a MAC Address(leave blank for default)" 8 58 --title "MAC ADDRESS" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $MAC1 ]; then MAC1="Default" MAC="" else MAC=",hwaddr=$MAC1" echo -e "${DGN}Using MAC Address: ${BGN}$MAC1${CL}" fi else exit-script fi if VLAN1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Vlan(leave blank for default)" 8 58 --title "VLAN" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then VLAN1="Default" VLAN="" else VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1" fi echo -e "${DGN}Using Vlan: ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}" else exit-script fi if (whiptail --defaultno --title "SSH ACCESS" --yesno "Enable Root SSH Access?" 10 58); then SSH="yes" else SSH="no" fi echo -e "${DGN}Enable Root SSH Access: ${BGN}$SSH${CL}" if (whiptail --defaultno --title "VERBOSE MODE" --yesno "Enable Verbose Mode?" 10 58); then VERB="yes" else VERB="no" fi echo -e "${DGN}Enable Verbose Mode: ${BGN}$VERB${CL}" if (whiptail --title "ADVANCED SETTINGS COMPLETE" --yesno "Ready to create ${APP} LXC?" 10 58); then echo -e "${RD}Creating a ${APP} LXC using the above advanced settings${CL}" else clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" advanced_settings fi } function install_script() { ARCH_CHECK PVE_CHECK NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid) header_info if (whiptail --title "SETTINGS" --yesno "Use Default Settings?" --no-button Advanced 10 58); then header_info echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}" default_settings else header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" advanced_settings fi } function update_script() { header_info RELEASE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager/releases/latest | grep "tag_name" | awk '{print substr($2, 3, length($2)-4) }') echo -e "Please wait until new version ${RELEASE} is confirmed working" exit msg_info "Stopping Services" systemctl stop openresty systemctl stop npm msg_ok "Stopped Services" msg_info "Cleaning Old Files" rm -rf /app \ /var/www/html \ /etc/nginx \ /var/log/nginx \ /var/lib/nginx \ /var/cache/nginx &>/dev/null msg_ok "Cleaned Old Files" msg_info "Downloading NPM v${RELEASE}" wget -q https://codeload.github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager/tar.gz/v${RELEASE} -O - | tar -xz &>/dev/null cd nginx-proxy-manager-${RELEASE} msg_ok "Downloaded NPM v${RELEASE}" msg_info "Setting up Enviroment" ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python ln -sf /usr/bin/certbot /opt/certbot/bin/certbot ln -sf /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin/nginx ln -sf /usr/local/openresty/nginx/ /etc/nginx sed -i "s+0.0.0+${RELEASE}+g" backend/package.json sed -i "s+0.0.0+${RELEASE}+g" frontend/package.json sed -i 's+^daemon+#daemon+g' docker/rootfs/etc/nginx/nginx.conf NGINX_CONFS=$(find "$(pwd)" -type f -name "*.conf") for NGINX_CONF in $NGINX_CONFS; do sed -i 's+include conf.d+include /etc/nginx/conf.d+g' "$NGINX_CONF" done mkdir -p /var/www/html /etc/nginx/logs cp -r docker/rootfs/var/www/html/* /var/www/html/ cp -r docker/rootfs/etc/nginx/* /etc/nginx/ cp docker/rootfs/etc/letsencrypt.ini /etc/letsencrypt.ini cp docker/rootfs/etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager /etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager ln -sf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/dev.conf mkdir -p /tmp/nginx/body \ /run/nginx \ /data/nginx \ /data/custom_ssl \ /data/logs \ /data/access \ /data/nginx/default_host \ /data/nginx/default_www \ /data/nginx/proxy_host \ /data/nginx/redirection_host \ /data/nginx/stream \ /data/nginx/dead_host \ /data/nginx/temp \ /var/lib/nginx/cache/public \ /var/lib/nginx/cache/private \ /var/cache/nginx/proxy_temp chmod -R 777 /var/cache/nginx chown root /tmp/nginx echo resolver "$(awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "} $1=="nameserver" {print ($2 ~ ":")? "["$2"]": $2}' /etc/resolv.conf);" >/etc/nginx/conf.d/include/resolvers.conf if [ ! -f /data/nginx/dummycert.pem ] || [ ! -f /data/nginx/dummykey.pem ]; then echo -e "${CHECKMARK} \e[1;92m Generating dummy SSL Certificate... \e[0m" openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -subj "/O=Nginx Proxy Manager/OU=Dummy Certificate/CN=localhost" -keyout /data/nginx/dummykey.pem -out /data/nginx/dummycert.pem &>/dev/null fi mkdir -p /app/global /app/frontend/images cp -r backend/* /app cp -r global/* /app/global msg_ok "Setup Enviroment" msg_info "Building Frontend" cd ./frontend export NODE_ENV=development yarn install --network-timeout=30000 &>/dev/null yarn build &>/dev/null cp -r dist/* /app/frontend cp -r app-images/* /app/frontend/images msg_ok "Built Frontend" msg_info "Initializing Backend" rm -rf /app/config/default.json &>/dev/null if [ ! -f /app/config/production.json ]; then cat <<'EOF' >/app/config/production.json { "database": { "engine": "knex-native", "knex": { "client": "sqlite3", "connection": { "filename": "/data/database.sqlite" } } } } EOF fi cd /app export NODE_ENV=development yarn install --network-timeout=30000 &>/dev/null msg_ok "Initialized Backend" msg_info "Starting Services" systemctl enable npm &>/dev/null systemctl start openresty systemctl start npm msg_ok "Started Services" msg_info "Cleaning up" rm -rf ~/nginx-proxy-manager-* msg_ok "Cleaned" msg_ok "Update Successfull" exit } if command -v pveversion >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! (whiptail --title "${APP} LXC" --yesno "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed?" 10 58); then clear echo -e "⚠ User exited script \n" exit fi install_script fi if ! command -v pveversion >/dev/null 2>&1 && [[ ! -f /lib/systemd/system/npm.service ]]; then msg_error "No ${APP} Installation Found!" exit fi if ! command -v pveversion >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! (whiptail --title "${APP} LXC UPDATE" --yesno "This will update ${APP} LXC. Proceed?" 10 58); then clear echo -e "⚠ User exited script \n" exit fi update_script fi if [ "$VERB" == "yes" ]; then set -x; fi if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1" else FEATURES="nesting=1" fi TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null export tz=$timezone export DISABLEIPV6=$DISABLEIP6 export APPLICATION=$APP export VERBOSE=$VERB export SSH_ROOT=${SSH} export CTID=$CT_ID export PCT_OSTYPE=$var_os export PCT_OSVERSION=$var_version export PCT_DISK_SIZE=$DISK_SIZE export PCT_OPTIONS=" -features $FEATURES -hostname $HN $SD $NS -net0 name=eth0,bridge=$BRG$MAC,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN$MTU -onboot 1 -cores $CORE_COUNT -memory $RAM_SIZE -unprivileged $CT_TYPE $PW " bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/ct/create_lxc.sh)" || exit msg_info "Starting LXC Container" pct start $CTID msg_ok "Started LXC Container" lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/install/$var_install.sh)" || exit IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) pct set $CTID -description "# ${APP} LXC ### https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/ " msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n" echo -e "${APP} should be reachable by going to the following URL. ${BL}http://${IP}:81${CL} \n"