#!/usr/bin/env bash NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid) RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "https://api.github.com/repos/home-assistant/operating-system/releases" | awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]') STABLE="7.6" YW=`echo "\033[33m"` BL=`echo "\033[36m"` RD=`echo "\033[01;31m"` BGN=`echo "\033[4;92m"` GN=`echo "\033[1;92m"` DGN=`echo "\033[32m"` CL=`echo "\033[m"` BFR="\\r\\033[K" HOLD="-" CM="${GN}✓${CL}" while true; do read -p "This will create a New Home Assistant OS VM. Proceed(y/n)?" yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done clear function header_info { echo -e "${BL} _ _ ____ _____ | | | | /\ / __ \ / ____| | |__| | / \ | | | | (___ | __ | / /\ \| | | |\___ \ | | | |/ ____ \ |__| |____) | |_| |_/_/ ${CL}${YW}v3${CL}${BL} \_\____/|_____/ ${CL}" } header_info function msg_info() { local msg="$1" echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..." } function msg_ok() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}" } function default_settings() { clear header_info echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}${STABLE}${CL}" BRANCH=${STABLE} echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}" VMID=$NEXTID echo -e "${DGN}Using VM Name ${BGN}haos${STABLE}${CL}" VM_NAME=haos${STABLE} echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}2vCPU${CL}" CORE_COUNT="2" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}4096MiB${CL}" RAM_SIZE="4096" echo -e "${DGN}Start VM when completed ${BGN}yes${CL}" START_VM="yes" } function advanced_settings() { clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Type Latest for Version ${RELEASE}, or Press [ENTER] for Stable Version ${STABLE} " read BRANCH if [ -z $BRANCH ]; then BRANCH=$STABLE; else BRANCH=$RELEASE; fi; echo -en "${DGN}Set Version To ${BL}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r" sleep 1 clear header_info clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Enter the VM ID, or Press [ENTER] to automatically generate (${NEXTID}) " read VMID if [ -z $VMID ]; then VMID=$NEXTID; fi; echo -en "${DGN}Set VM ID To ${BL}$VMID${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r" sleep 1 clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$VMID${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Enter VM Name (no-spaces), or Press [ENTER] for Default: haos${BRANCH} " read VMNAME if [ -z $VMNAME ]; then VM_NAME=haos${BRANCH} else VM_NAME=$(echo ${VMNAME,,} | tr -d ' ') fi echo -en "${DGN}Set CT Name To ${BL}$VM_NAME${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r" sleep 1 clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$VMID${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM Name ${BGN}$VM_NAME${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Allocate CPU cores, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 2 " read CORE_COUNT if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then CORE_COUNT="2"; fi; echo -en "${DGN}Set Cores To ${BL}${CORE_COUNT}${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \r" sleep 1 clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$VMID${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM Name ${BGN}$VM_NAME${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Allocate RAM in MiB, or Press [ENTER] for Default: 4096 " read RAM_SIZE if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then RAM_SIZE="4096"; fi; echo -en "${DGN}Set RAM To ${BL}$RAM_SIZE${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n" sleep 1 clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$VMID${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM Name ${BGN}$VM_NAME${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}" echo -e "${YW}Start VM when completed, or Press [ENTER] for Default: yes " read START_VM if [ -z $START_VM ]; then START_VM="yes"; else START_VM="no"; fi; echo -en "${DGN}Starting VM when completed ${BL}$START_VM${CL}" echo -e " ${CM}${CL} \n" sleep 1 clear header_info echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using Version ${BGN}$BRANCH${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM ID ${BGN}$VMID${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using VM Name ${BGN}$VM_NAME${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${CORE_COUNT}vCPU${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Using ${BGN}${RAM_SIZE}MiB${CL}" echo -e "${DGN}Start VM when completed ${BGN}$START_VM${CL}" read -p "Are these settings correct(y/n)? " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then advanced_settings fi } function start_script() { echo -e "${YW}Type Advanced, or Press [ENTER] for Default Settings " read SETTINGS if [ -z $SETTINGS ]; then default_settings; else advanced_settings fi; } start_script set -o errexit set -o errtrace set -o nounset set -o pipefail shopt -s expand_aliases alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit' trap die ERR trap cleanup EXIT function error_exit() { trap - ERR local DEFAULT='Unknown failure occured.' local REASON="\e[97m${1:-$DEFAULT}\e[39m" local FLAG="\e[91m[ERROR] \e[93m$EXIT@$LINE" msg "$FLAG $REASON" [ ! -z ${VMID-} ] && cleanup_vmid exit $EXIT } function warn() { local REASON="\e[97m$1\e[39m" local FLAG="\e[93m[WARNING]\e[39m" msg "$FLAG $REASON" } function info() { local REASON="$1" local FLAG="\e[36m[INFO]\e[39m" msg "$FLAG $REASON" } function msg() { local TEXT="$1" echo -e "$TEXT" } function cleanup_vmid() { if $(qm status $VMID &>/dev/null); then if [ "$(qm status $VMID | awk '{print $2}')" == "running" ]; then qm stop $VMID fi qm destroy $VMID fi } function cleanup() { popd >/dev/null rm -rf $TEMP_DIR } TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null while read -r line; do TAG=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}') TYPE=$(echo $line | awk '{printf "%-10s", $2}') FREE=$(echo $line | numfmt --field 4-6 --from-unit=K --to=iec --format %.2f | awk '{printf( "%9sB", $6)}') ITEM=" Type: $TYPE Free: $FREE " OFFSET=2 if [[ $((${#ITEM} + $OFFSET)) -gt ${MSG_MAX_LENGTH:-} ]]; then MSG_MAX_LENGTH=$((${#ITEM} + $OFFSET)) fi STORAGE_MENU+=( "$TAG" "$ITEM" "OFF" ) done < <(pvesm status -content images | awk 'NR>1') if [ $((${#STORAGE_MENU[@]}/3)) -eq 0 ]; then warn "'Disk image' needs to be selected for at least one storage location." die "Unable to detect valid storage location." elif [ $((${#STORAGE_MENU[@]}/3)) -eq 1 ]; then STORAGE=${STORAGE_MENU[0]} else while [ -z "${STORAGE:+x}" ]; do STORAGE=$(whiptail --title "Storage Pools" --radiolist \ "Which storage pool you would like to use for the container?\n\n" \ 16 $(($MSG_MAX_LENGTH + 23)) 6 \ "${STORAGE_MENU[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) || exit done fi msg_ok "Using ${CL}${BL}$STORAGE${CL} ${GN}for Storage Location." msg_ok "Container ID is ${CL}${BL}$VMID${CL}." msg_info "Getting URL for Latest Home Assistant Disk Image" URL=https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/${BRANCH}/haos_ova-${BRANCH}.qcow2.xz msg_ok "Found URL for Latest Home Assistant Disk Image" msg_ok "${CL}${BL}${URL}${CL}" wget -q --show-progress $URL echo -en "\e[1A\e[0K" FILE=$(basename $URL) msg_ok "Downloaded ${CL}${BL}${BRANCH}.qcow2${CL}${GN} Disk Image" msg_info "Extracting Disk Image" unxz $FILE STORAGE_TYPE=$(pvesm status -storage $STORAGE | awk 'NR>1 {print $2}') case $STORAGE_TYPE in btrfs|nfs|dir) DISK_EXT=".qcow2" DISK_REF="$VMID/" IMPORT_OPT="-format qcow2" esac for i in {0,1}; do disk="DISK$i" eval DISK${i}=vm-${VMID}-disk-${i}${DISK_EXT:-} eval DISK${i}_REF=${STORAGE}:${DISK_REF:-}${!disk} done msg_ok "Extracted Disk Image" msg_info "Creating HAOS VM" qm create $VMID -agent 1 -bios ovmf -cores $CORE_COUNT -memory $RAM_SIZE -name $VM_NAME -net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \ -onboot 1 -ostype l26 -scsihw virtio-scsi-pci pvesm alloc $STORAGE $VMID $DISK0 128 1>&/dev/null qm importdisk $VMID ${FILE%.*} $STORAGE ${IMPORT_OPT:-} 1>&/dev/null qm set $VMID \ -efidisk0 ${DISK0_REF},size=128K \ -scsi0 ${DISK1_REF},size=32G >/dev/null qm set $VMID \ -boot order=scsi0 >/dev/null set +o errtrace ( msg_ok "Created HAOS VM ${CL}${BL}${VM_NAME}" msg_info "Adding Serial Port and Configuring Console" trap ' warn "Unable to configure serial port. VM is still functional." if [ "$(qm config $VMID | sed -n ''/serial0/p'')" != "" ]; then qm set $VMID --delete serial0 >/dev/null fi exit ' ERR msg_ok "Added Serial Port and Configured Console" if [ "$(command -v kpartx)" = "" ]; then msg_info "Installing kpartx" apt-get update >/dev/null apt-get -qqy install kpartx &>/dev/null msg_ok "Installed kpartx" fi DISK1_PATH="$(pvesm path $DISK1_REF)" DISK1_PART1="$(kpartx -al $DISK1_PATH | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')" DISK1_PART1_PATH="/dev/mapper/$DISK1_PART1" TEMP_MOUNT="${TEMP_DIR}/mnt" trap ' findmnt $TEMP_MOUNT >/dev/null && umount $TEMP_MOUNT command -v kpartx >/dev/null && kpartx -d $DISK1_PATH ' EXIT kpartx -a $DISK1_PATH mkdir $TEMP_MOUNT mount $DISK1_PART1_PATH $TEMP_MOUNT sed -i 's/$/ console=ttyS0/' ${TEMP_MOUNT}/cmdline.txt qm set $VMID -serial0 socket >/dev/null ) if [ "$START_VM" == "yes" ]; then msg_info "Starting Home Assistant OS VM" qm start $VMID msg_ok "Started Home Assistant OS VM" fi msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"