#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ "$VERBOSE" == "yes" ]; then set -x; STD=""; fi if [ "$VERBOSE" != "yes" ]; then STD="silent"; fi silent() { "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; } if [ "$DISABLEIPV6" == "yes" ]; then echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >>/etc/sysctl.conf; $STD sysctl -p; fi YW=$(echo "\033[33m") RD=$(echo "\033[01;31m") BL=$(echo "\033[36m") GN=$(echo "\033[1;92m") CL=$(echo "\033[m") RETRY_NUM=10 RETRY_EVERY=3 CM="${GN}✓${CL}" CROSS="${RD}✗${CL}" BFR="\\r\\033[K" HOLD="-" set -Eeuo pipefail trap 'error_handler $LINENO "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR function error_handler() { local exit_code="$?" local line_number="$1" local command="$2" local error_message="${RD}[ERROR]${CL} in line ${RD}$line_number${CL}: exit code ${RD}$exit_code${CL}: while executing command ${YW}$command${CL}" echo -e "\n$error_message\n" } function msg_info() { local msg="$1" echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..." } function msg_ok() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}" } function msg_error() { local msg="$1" echo -e "${BFR} ${CROSS} ${RD}${msg}${CL}" } msg_info "Setting up Container OS" sed -i "/$LANG/ s/\(^# \)//" /etc/locale.gen locale-gen >/dev/null for ((i=RETRY_NUM; i>0; i--)); do if [ "$(hostname -I)" != "" ]; then break fi echo 1>&2 -en "${CROSS}${RD} No Network! " sleep $RETRY_EVERY done if [ "$(hostname -I)" = "" ]; then echo 1>&2 -e "\n${CROSS}${RD} No Network After $RETRY_NUM Tries${CL}" echo -e " 🖧 Check Network Settings" exit 1 fi msg_ok "Set up Container OS" msg_ok "Network Connected: ${BL}$(hostname -I)" set +e if nc -zw1 443; then msg_ok "Internet Connected"; else msg_error "Internet NOT Connected" read -r -p "Would you like to continue anyway? " prompt if [[ $prompt == "y" || $prompt == "Y" || $prompt == "yes" || $prompt == "Yes" ]]; then echo -e " ⚠️ ${RD}Expect Issues Without Internet${CL}" else echo -e " 🖧 Check Network Settings" exit 1 fi fi RESOLVEDIP=$(nslookup "github.com" | awk -F':' '/^Address: / { matched = 1 } matched { print $2}' | xargs) if [[ -z "$RESOLVEDIP" ]]; then msg_error "DNS Lookup Failure"; else msg_ok "DNS Resolved github.com to ${BL}$RESOLVEDIP${CL}"; fi set -e msg_info "Updating Container OS" $STD apt-get update $STD apt-get -y upgrade msg_ok "Updated Container OS" msg_info "Installing Dependencies" $STD apt-get install -y curl $STD apt-get install -y sudo $STD apt-get install -y mc $STD apt-get install -y unzip $STD apt-get install -y par2 $STD apt-get install -y p7zip-full wget -q http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/u/unrar-nonfree/unrar_6.0.3-1+deb11u1_amd64.deb $STD dpkg -i unrar_6.0.3-1+deb11u1_amd64.deb rm unrar_6.0.3-1+deb11u1_amd64.deb msg_ok "Installed Dependencies" msg_info "Installing Python3-pip" $STD apt-get install -y python3-setuptools $STD apt-get install -y python3-pip msg_ok "Installed Python3-pip" msg_info "Installing SABnzbd" RELEASE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/releases/latest | grep "tag_name" | awk '{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-3) }') $STD tar zxvf <(curl -fsSL https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/releases/download/$RELEASE/SABnzbd-${RELEASE}-src.tar.gz) mv SABnzbd-${RELEASE} /opt/sabnzbd cd /opt/sabnzbd $STD python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt msg_ok "Installed SABnzbd" msg_info "Creating Service" service_path="/etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service" echo "[Unit] Description=SABnzbd After=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/opt/sabnzbd ExecStart=python3 SABnzbd.py -s Restart=always User=root [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" >$service_path systemctl enable --now -q sabnzbd.service msg_ok "Created Service" echo "export TERM='xterm-256color'" >>/root/.bashrc if ! getent shadow root | grep -q "^root:[^\!*]"; then msg_info "Customizing Container" OS=$(grep "^ID=" /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2) if [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then rm /etc/motd /etc/update-motd.d/10-uname; else chmod -x /etc/update-motd.d/*; fi touch ~/.hushlogin GETTY_OVERRIDE="/etc/systemd/system/container-getty@1.service.d/override.conf" mkdir -p $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) cat <$GETTY_OVERRIDE [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear --keep-baud tty%I 115200,38400,9600 \$TERM EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart $(basename $(dirname $GETTY_OVERRIDE) | sed 's/\.d//') msg_ok "Customized Container" fi if [[ "${SSH_ROOT}" == "yes" ]]; then sed -i "s/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config; systemctl restart sshd; fi msg_info "Cleaning up" $STD apt-get autoremove $STD apt-get autoclean msg_ok "Cleaned"