V1.0.0 Release Candidate

Implémentation OTA
Web serveur sur le système de fichier SPIFFS
Interface Utilisateur pour la Configuration
This commit is contained in:
Charles 2015-12-23 01:51:12 +01:00
parent 0f73e251b0
commit c11caa31a1
18 changed files with 2094 additions and 1255 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ Desktop.ini
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files

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@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include Arduino header
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUDP.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
//#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
//#include <Hash.h>
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <LibTeleinfo.h>
// Global project file
#include "ESP8266_WifInfo.h"
//WiFiManager wifi(0);
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
// Udp listener and telnet server
// Teleinfo
TInfo tinfo;
// RGB Loed
NeoPixelBus rgb_led = NeoPixelBus(1, RGB_LED_PIN, NEO_RGB | NEO_KHZ800);
// define whole brigtness level for RGBLED
uint8_t rgb_brightness = 127;
// LED Blink timers
Ticker rgb_ticker;
Ticker blu_ticker;
Ticker red_ticker;
Ticker Every_1_Sec;
volatile boolean task_1_sec = false;
unsigned long seconds = 0;
// sysinfo data
_sysinfo sysinfo;
/* ======================================================================
Function: UpdateSysinfo
Purpose : update sysinfo variables
Input : true if first call
true if needed to print on serial debug
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void UpdateSysinfo(boolean first_call, boolean show_debug)
char buff[64];
int32_t adc;
int sec = seconds;
int min = sec / 60;
int hr = min / 60;
sprintf( buff, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hr, min % 60, sec % 60);
sysinfo.sys_uptime = buff;
sprintf( buff, "%d KB", ESP.getFreeHeap()/1024 );
sysinfo.sys_free_ram = buff;
adc = ( (1000 * analogRead(A0)) / 1024);
sprintf( buff, "%d mV", adc);
sysinfo.sys_analog = buff;
// Values not subject to change during running sketch
if (first_call) {
sprintf( buff, "%d KB", ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()/1024 );
sysinfo.sys_flash_real_size = buff;
sprintf( buff, "%d KB", ESP.getSketchSize()/1024 );
sysinfo.sys_firmware_size = buff;
sprintf( buff, "%d KB", ESP.getFreeSketchSpace()/1024 );
sysinfo.sys_firmware_free = buff;
sprintf( buff, "%d MHZ", ESP.getFlashChipSpeed()/1000 );
sysinfo.sys_flash_speed = buff;
if (show_debug) {
Debug(F("Firmware : ")); Debugln(__DATE__ " " __TIME__);
Debug(F("Flash real id: ")); Serial1.printf("0x%08X\r\n", ESP.getFlashChipId());
Debug(F("Flash RSize : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_flash_real_size);
Debug(F("CPU Speed : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_flash_speed);
Debug(F("Sketch size : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_firmware_size);
Debug(F("Free size : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_firmware_free);
Debug(F("Free RAM : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_free_ram);
Debug(F("OTA port : ")); Debugln(config.ota_port);
Debug(F("Analog Read : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_analog);
Debug(F("Saved Config : ")); Debugln(sysinfo.sys_eep_config);
/* ======================================================================
Function: Task_1_Sec
Purpose : update our second ticker
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void Task_1_Sec()
task_1_sec = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: LedOff
Purpose : callback called after led blink delay
Input : led (defined in term of PIN)
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void LedOff(int led)
#ifdef BLU_LED_PIN
if (led==BLU_LED_PIN)
if (led==RED_LED_PIN)
if (led==RGB_LED_PIN)
/* ======================================================================
Function: ADPSCallback
Purpose : called by library when we detected a ADPS on any phased
Input : phase number
0 for ADPS (monophase)
1 for ADIR1 triphase
2 for ADIR2 triphase
3 for ADIR3 triphase
Output : -
Comments: should have been initialised in the main sketch with a
====================================================================== */
void ADPSCallback(uint8_t phase)
// Monophasé
if (phase == 0 ) {
} else {
Debug(F("ADPS Phase "));
Debugln('0' + phase);
/* ======================================================================
Function: DataCallback
Purpose : callback when we detected new or modified data received
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void DataCallback(ValueList * me, uint8_t flags)
// This is for simulating ADPS during my tests
// ===========================================
static uint8_t test = 0;
// Each new/updated values
if (++test >= 20) {
uint8_t anotherflag = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE;
ValueList * anotherme = tinfo.addCustomValue("ADPS", "46", &anotherflag);
// Do our job (mainly debug)
DataCallback(anotherme, anotherflag);
// ===========================================
// Do whatever you want there
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_NOTHING ) Debug(F(" Nothing"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED ) Debug(F(" Added"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED ) Debug(F(" Updated"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST ) Debug(F(" Exist"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ALERT ) Debug(F(" Alert"));
/* ======================================================================
Function: NewFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void NewFrame(ValueList * me)
char buff[32];
// Light the RGB LED
sprintf( buff, "New Frame (%ld Bytes free)", ESP.getFreeHeap() );
// led off after delay
rgb_ticker.once_ms( (uint32_t) BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, (int) RGB_LED_PIN);
/* ======================================================================
Function: NewFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: it's called only if one data in the frame is different than
the previous frame
====================================================================== */
void UpdatedFrame(ValueList * me)
char buff[32];
// Light the RGB LED (purple)
sprintf( buff, "Updated Frame (%ld Bytes free)", ESP.getFreeHeap() );
// led off after delay
rgb_ticker.once_ms(BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, RGB_LED_PIN);
/* ======================================================================
Function: CheckOTAUpdate
Purpose : Check if we need to update the firmware over the Air
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: If upgraded, no return, perform update and reboot ESP
====================================================================== */
void CheckOTAUpdate(void)
bool spiffs = false;
//OTA detection
if (OTA.parsePacket()) {
IPAddress remote = OTA.remoteIP();
int cmd = OTA.parseInt();
int port = OTA.parseInt();
int size = OTA.parseInt();
DebugF("OTA received command ");
if (cmd == U_SPIFFS) {
spiffs = true;
DebugF("Get SPIFFS image");
DebugF("Update Start: ip:");
Debugf(", port:%d, size:%dKB\n", port, size/1024);
uint32_t startTime = millis();
if(!Update.begin(size, cmd)) {
DebugF("Update Begin Error");
WiFiClient ota_client;
if (ota_client.connect(remote, port)) {
uint32_t written;
while(!Update.isFinished()) {
written = Update.write(ota_client);
if(written > 0)
ota_client.print(written, DEC);
if(Update.end()) {
Debugf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", millis() - startTime);
} else {
} else {
Debugf("Connect Failed: %u\n", millis() - startTime);
// Be sure to re enable it
/* ======================================================================
Function: WifiSoftAP
Purpose : Change Wifi mode to Soft AP
Input : -
Output : state of the wifi status
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
int WifiSoftAP()
/* ======================================================================
Function: WifiHandleConn
Purpose : Handle Wifi connection / reconnection and OTA updates
Input : setup true if we're called 1st Time from setup
Output : state of the wifi status
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
int WifiHandleConn(boolean setup = false)
int ret ;
if (setup)
// Check WiFi connection mode, at startup
// try to connect to AP
if (WiFi.getMode()!=WIFI_STA) {
// Get Wifi Status
ret = WiFi.status();
// Try to get 1st connexion
if ( ret != WL_CONNECTED ) {
// Orange we're not connected anymore
DebugF("Connecting to: ");
ret = WiFi.waitForConnectResult();
if ( ret != WL_CONNECTED) {
DebuglnF("Connection failed!");
} else {
DebugF("IP address : "); Debugln(WiFi.localIP());
DebugF("MAC address : "); Debugln(WiFi.macAddress());
// just in case your sketch sucks, keep update OTA Available
// Trust me, when coding and testing it happens, this could save
// the need to connect FTDI to reflash
// Usefull just after 1st connexion when called from setup() before
// launching potentially bugging main()
for (uint8_t i=0; i<= 10; i++) {
// We did not succeded to connect ?
if ( ret != WL_CONNECTED ) {
uint8_t mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
char ssid[32];
// start Soft AP
DebuglnF("Starting Soft AP mode");
// Add the last two bytes of the MAC address to AP name
sprintf_P(ssid, PSTR("%s_%02X%02X"), DEFAULT_WIFI_AP_SSID, mac[4], mac[5] );
DebugF("SSID : "); Debugln(ssid);
//WiFi.softAP(ssid, DEFAULT_WIFI_AP_PSK);
// No password
DebugF("IP : ");
// Advertise US for Arduino IDE
// not very usefull on Windows (IDE does not always sees us)
MDNS.addService("arduino", "tcp", DEFAULT_OTA_PORT);
// Setup OTA feature
// Handle OTA
return ret;
/* ======================================================================
Function: setup
Purpose : Setup I/O and other one time startup stuff
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void setup()
boolean reset_config = true;
// Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected
// Init the RGB Led, and set it off
// Init the serial 1
// Teleinfo is connected to RXD2 (GPIO13) to
// avoid conflict when flashing, this is why
// we swap RXD1/RXD1 to RXD2/TXD2
// Note that TXD2 is not used teleinfo is receive only
Serial.begin(1200, SERIAL_7E1);
// Our Debug Serial TXD0
// note this serial can only transmit, just
// enough for debugging purpose
Debugln(F("Wifinfo V1.0.1"));
// Clear our global flags
config.config = 0;
// Our configuration is stored into EEPROM
// Read Configuration from EEP
if (readConfig()) {
// in case of saved default config it's not good
if (config.ssid[0]!='*' && config.pass[0]!='*' ) {
sysinfo.sys_eep_config = PSTR("Good CRC, config OK");
reset_config = false;
} else {
sysinfo.sys_eep_config = PSTR("Good CRC, not set!");
if (reset_config ) {
// Error, enable default configuration
strcpy_P(config.ssid, PSTR(DEFAULT_WIFI_SSID));
strcpy_P(config.pass, PSTR(DEFAULT_WIFI_PASS));
strcpy_P(config.host, PSTR(DEFAULT_HOSTNAME));
config.ota_port = DEFAULT_OTA_PORT ;
// Indicate the error in global flags
config.config |= CFG_BAD_CRC;
sysinfo.sys_eep_config = PSTR("Reset to default");
// save back
// Init teleinfo
// Attach the callback we need
// set all as an example
// We'll drive our onboard LED
// old TXD1, not used anymore, has been swapped
// start Wifi connect or soft AP
// Update sysinfor variable and print them
UpdateSysinfo(true, true);
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/json", sendJSON);
server.on("/tinfojsontbl", tinfoJSONTable);
server.on("/sysjsontbl", sysJSONTable);
Debugln(F("HTTP server started"));
// Light off the RGB LED
// control watchdog
// Update sysinfo every second
Every_1_Sec.attach(1, Task_1_Sec);
/* ======================================================================
Function: loop
Purpose : infinite loop main code
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void loop()
char c;
// Do all related network stuff
// 1 second task job ?
if (task_1_sec) {
UpdateSysinfo(false, false);
task_1_sec = false;
// Handle teleinfo serial
if ( Serial.available() ) {
// Read Serial and process to tinfo
c = Serial.read();

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server configuration Include file
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
#ifndef __CONFIG_H__
#define __CONFIG_H__
// Include main project include file
#include "ESP8266_WifInfo.h"
#define CFG_MAX_SSID_SIZE 32
#define CFG_MAX_PASS_SIZE 32
// Mettez ici vos identifiant de connexion à
// votre réseau WIFI
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_SSID "************"
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_PASS "************"
#define DEFAULT_HOSTNAME "WifInfo-esp01"
// En mode acces point
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_AP_SSID "WifInfo"
// Port pour l'OTA
#define DEFAULT_OTA_PORT 8266
// Bit definition for different configuration modes
#define CFG_LCD 0x0001 // Enable display
#define CFG_DEBUG 0x0002 // Enable serial debug
#define CFG_BAD_CRC 0x8000 // Bad CRC when reading configuration
// Config saved into eeprom
// 128 bytes total including CRC
typedef struct
char ssid[CFG_MAX_SSID_SIZE]; /* SSID */
char pass[CFG_MAX_PASS_SIZE]; /* Password */
char host[CFG_MAX_HOSTNAME]; /* Password */
uint32_t config; /* Bit field register */
uint16_t ota_port; /* OTA port */
uint8_t filler[40]; /* in case adding data in config avoiding loosing current conf by bad crc*/
uint16_t crc;
} _Config;
// Exported variables/object instancied in main sketch
// ===================================================
extern _Config config;
// Declared exported function from route.cpp
// ===================================================
bool readConfig (void);
bool saveConfig (void);

View File

@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server, route web function
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use, see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include Arduino header
#include "route.h"
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleRoot
Purpose : handle main page /, display information
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleRoot(void)
String response="";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving / page..."));
// start HTML Code
response += F("<html><head>"
"<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>"
"<meta charset='UTF-8'>"
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css'>"
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-table/1.8.1/bootstrap-table.min.css'>"
// Our custom style
"<style type='text/css'>"
".nav-tabs {margin-top:4px;}"
".fixed-table-body {height:auto;}"
".progress {position:relative;}"
".progress span {position:absolute;display:block;width:100%;color:black;}"
"<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js'></script>"
"<script src='http://cdn.rawgit.com/Foliotek/AjaxQ/master/ajaxq.js'></script>"
response += F("<div class='container'>"
// Onglets
"<ul class='nav nav-tabs' id='myTab'>"
"<li class='active'>"
"<a href='#tab_tinfo' data-toggle='tab'>"
"Téléinformation <span class='badge' id='scharge'></span>"
"<li><a href='#tab_sys' data-toggle='tab'>Système</a></li>"
"<li><a href='#tab_cfg' data-toggle='tab'>Configuration</a></li>"
// Contenu des onglets
response += F("<div class='tab-content'>");
// tab teleinfo
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade in active' id='tab_tinfo'>"
"<h4>Données de Téléinformation</h4>"
"<div><span style='float:left;width:18ex;text-align:center;'>Charge courante : </span>"
"<div class='progress'>"
"<div class='progress-bar progress-bar-success' style='width:0' id='pbar'>"
"<span class=show id='pcharge'>Attente des données</span>"
"<div id='toolbar'>"
"<table data-toggle='table' "
"data-url='/tinfojsontbl' "
"class='table table-striped' "
"data-show-refresh='true' "
"data-show-toggle='true' "
"data-show-columns='true' "
"data-search='true' "
"data-row-style='rowStyle' "
"id='tblinfo' "
"<th data-field='na' data-align='left' data-sortable='true' data-formatter='labelFormatter'>Etiquette</th>"
"<th data-field='va' data-align='left' data-sortable='true' data-formatter='valueFormatter'>Valeur</th>"
"<th data-field='ck' data-align='center'>Checksum</th>"
"<th data-field='fl' data-align='center' data-visible='false'>Flags</th>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
// tab Systeme
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade' id='tab_sys'>"
"<h4>Données du système</h4>"
"<table data-toggle='table' "
"data-url='/sysjsontbl' "
"class='table table-striped' "
"data-show-refresh='true' "
"data-show-toggle='true' "
"data-search='true' "
"id='tblsys' "
"<th data-field='na' data-align='left'>Donnée</th>"
"<th data-field='va' data-align='left'>Valeur</th>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
// tab Configuration
response += F( "<div class='tab-pane fade' id='tab_cfg'>"
"<h4>Configuration du module WifInfo</h4>"
"<p>Cette partie reste à faire, des volontaires motivés ?</p>"
"</div>"); // tab pane
response += F("</div>"); // tab content
response += F("<script>$( document ).ready(function() {"));
response += F("$.getq('queue','/"));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("', function(data) { $('#"));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("').html(data."));
response += F("Uptime"));
response += F("); });"));
response += F("});</script>"));
response += F("</div>\r\n"); // Container
response += F("<script src='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js'></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-table/1.8.1/bootstrap-table.min.js'></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-table/1.8.1/locale/bootstrap-table-fr-FR.min.js'></script>\r\n");
response += F("<script>" "\r\n"
"var counters={};"
"var isousc, iinst;"
"function rowStyle(row, index){" "\r\n"
"var classes=['active','success','info','warning','danger'];" "\r\n"
"var flags=parseInt(row.fl,10);" "\r\n"
"if (flags&0x80){return{classes:classes[4]};}""\r\n"
"if (flags&0x02){return{classes:classes[3]};}""\r\n"
"if (flags&0x08){return{classes:classes[1]};}""\r\n"
"return {};""\r\n"
"function labelFormatter(value, row){" "\r\n"
"var flags=parseInt(row.fl,10);" "\r\n"
"if (typeof counters[value]==='undefined') counters[value]=1;" "\r\n"
"if (flags&0x88) counters[value]++;" "\r\n"
"return value + ' <span class=\"badge\">'+counters[value]+'</span>';" "\r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"function valueFormatter(value, row){" "\r\n"
"if (row.na==\"ISOUSC\")" "\r\n"
"isousc=parseInt(value);" "\r\n"
"else if (row.na==\"IINST\"){" "\r\n"
"var pb, pe, cl;" "\r\n"
"iinst=parseInt(value);" "\r\n"
"pe=parseInt(iinst*100/isousc);" "\r\n"
"if (isNaN(pe)) pe=0;" "\r\n"
"cl='success';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>70) cl ='info';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>80) cl ='warning';" "\r\n"
"if (pe>90) cl ='danger';" "\r\n"
"cl = 'progress-bar-' + cl;" "\r\n"
"if (pe>0) $('#scharge').text(pe+'%');" "\r\n"
"if (typeof isousc!='undefined')" "\r\n"
" $('#pcharge').text(iinst+'A / '+isousc+'A');" "\r\n"
"$('#pbar').attr('class','progress-bar '+cl);" "\r\n"
"$('#pbar').css('width', pe+'%');"" \r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"return value;" "\r\n"
"}" "\r\n"
"</script>" "\r\n");
response += F("<script>" "\r\n"
"var myTimer;" "\r\n"
"function myRefresh(){" "\r\n"
"var id=$('.nav-tabs .active > a').attr('href');" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tab_tinfo') id='#tblinfo';" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tab_sys') id='#tblsys';" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Refreshing : '+id);" "\r\n"
"clearInterval(myTimer);" "\r\n"
"$('#tblinfo').bootstrapTable('refresh',{silent: true});" "\r\n"
"if (id=='#tblsys')" "\r\n"
"$(id).bootstrapTable('refresh',{silent: true});" "\r\n"
"$(function () {" "\r\n"
"$('#tblinfo').on('load-success.bs.table', function (e, data) {" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Event: load-success.bs.table');" "\r\n"
"myTimer=setInterval(function(){myRefresh()},1000);" "\r\n"
"})" "\r\n"
".on('load-error.bs.table', function (e, status) {" "\r\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
"console.log('Event: load-error.bs.table');" "\r\n"
"myTimer=setInterval(function(){myRefresh()},5000);" "\r\n"
"})" "\r\n"
"});" "\r\n"
response += F("</body></html>\r\n");
// Just to debug buffer free size
Debug(F("sending "));
Debug(F(" bytes..."));
// Send response to client
server.send ( 200, "text/html", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: formatNumberJSON
Purpose : check if data value is full number and send correct JSON format
Input : String where to add response
char * value to check
Output : -
Comments: 00150 => 150
1 => 1
====================================================================== */
void formatNumberJSON( String &response, char * value)
// we have at least something ?
if (value && strlen(value))
boolean isNumber = true;
uint8_t c;
char * p = value;
// just to be sure
if (strlen(p)<=16) {
// check if value is number
while (*p && isNumber) {
if ( *p < '0' || *p > '9' )
isNumber = false;
// this will add "" on not number values
if (!isNumber) {
response += '\"' ;
response += value ;
response += F("\":") ;
} else {
// this will remove leading zero on numbers
p = value;
while (*p=='0' && *(p+1) )
response += p ;
} else {
Debugln(F("formatNumberJSON error!"));
/* ======================================================================
Function: tinfoJSONTable
Purpose : dump all teleinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void tinfoJSONTable(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /tinfoJSONTable page...\r\n"));
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
uint8_t index=0;
boolean first_item = true;
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// First item do not add , separator
if (first_item)
first_item = false;
response += F(",\r\n");
Debug(F("(")) ;
Debug(++index) ;
Debug(F(") ")) ;
if (me->name) Debug(me->name) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F("=")) ;
if (me->value) Debug(me->value) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F(" '")) ;
Debug(me->checksum) ;
Debug(F("' "));
// Flags management
if ( me->flags) {
Debugf("%02X => ", me->flags);
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST)
Debug(F("Exist ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED)
Debug(F("Updated ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED)
Debug(F("New ")) ;
Debugln() ;
response += F("{\"na\":\"");
response += me->name ;
response += F("\", \"va\":\"") ;
response += me->value;
response += F("\", \"ck\":\"") ;
if (me->checksum == '"' || me->checksum == '\\' || me->checksum == '/')
response += '\\';
response += (char) me->checksum;
response += F("\", \"fl\":");
response += me->flags ;
response += '}' ;
// Json end
response += F("\r\n]");
} else {
Debugln(F("sending 404..."));
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: sysJSONTable
Purpose : dump all sysinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sysJSONTable()
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /sysJSONTable page..."));
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
response += "{\"na\":\"Uptime\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_uptime;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Compile le\",\"va\":\"" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Ram\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_free_ram;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Flash Real Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_flash_real_size ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Firmware Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_firmware_size;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_firmware_free;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Wifi SSID\",\"va\":\"";
response += config.ssid;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"OTA Network Port\",\"va\":";
response += config.ota_port ;
response += "},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Wifi RSSI\",\"va\":\"";
response += WiFi.RSSI() ;
response += " dB\"}\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Analog\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_analog;
response += " dB\"}\r\n";
// Json end
response += F("]\r\n");
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: sendJSON
Purpose : dump all values in JSON
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sendJSON(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
// Json start
response += F("{\"_UPTIME\":");
response += seconds;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
response += F(",\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
// Json end
response += F("}\r\n") ;
} else {
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleNotFound
Purpose : default WEB routing when URI is not found
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: We search is we have a name that match to this URI, if one we
return it's pair name/value in json
====================================================================== */
void handleNotFound(void)
String response = "";
// We check for an known label
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
const char * uri;
boolean found = false;
// Led on
// convert uri to char * for compare
uri = server.uri().c_str();
Debugf("handleNotFound(%s)\r\n", uri);
// Got at least one and consistent URI ?
if (me && uri && *uri=='/' && *++uri ) {
// Loop thru the linked list of values
while (me->next && !found) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
//Debugf("compare to '%s' ", me->name);
// Do we have this one ?
if (stricmp (me->name, uri) == 0 )
// no need to continue
found = true;
// Add to respone
response += F("{\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
response += F("}\r\n");
// Got it, send json
if (found) {
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
} else {
// send error message in plain text
String message = "File Not Found\n\n";
message += "URI: ";
message += server.uri();
message += "\nMethod: ";
message += ( server.method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST";
message += "\nArguments: ";
message += server.args();
message += "\n";
for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++ ) {
message += " " + server.argName ( i ) + ": " + server.arg ( i ) + "\n";
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", message );
// Led off

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUDP.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
@ -34,23 +35,33 @@
//#include <Hash.h>
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <LibTeleinfo.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include "route.h"
extern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"
#include "webserver.h"
#include "webclient.h"
#include "config.h"
#define DEBUG
#define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial1
#define WIFINFO_VERSION "1.0.0"
// I prefix debug macro to be sure to use specific for THIS library
// debugging, this should not interfere with main sketch or other
// libraries
#ifdef DEBUG
#define Debug(x) Serial1.print(x)
#define Debugln(x) Serial1.println(x)
#define DebugF(x) Serial1.print(F(x))
#define DebuglnF(x) Serial1.println(F(x))
#define Debugf(...) Serial1.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define Debugflush Serial1.flush
#define Debug(x) DEBUG_SERIAL.print(x)
#define Debugln(x) DEBUG_SERIAL.println(x)
#define DebugF(x) DEBUG_SERIAL.print(F(x))
#define DebuglnF(x) DEBUG_SERIAL.println(F(x))
#define Debugf(...) DEBUG_SERIAL.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define Debugflush DEBUG_SERIAL.flush
#define Debug(x) {}
#define Debugln(x) {}
@ -92,13 +103,6 @@
typedef struct
String sys_uptime;
String sys_free_ram;
String sys_flash_real_size;
String sys_flash_speed;
String sys_firmware_size;
String sys_firmware_free;
String sys_analog;
String sys_eep_config;
} _sysinfo;
// Exported variables/object instancied in main sketch
@ -110,7 +114,15 @@ extern NeoPixelBus rgb_led ;
extern uint8_t rgb_brightness;
extern unsigned long seconds;
extern _sysinfo sysinfo;
extern Ticker Tick_emoncms;
extern Ticker Tick_jeedom;
// Exported function located in main sketch
// ===================================================
void ResetConfig(void);
void Task_emoncms();
void Task_jeedom();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include Arduino header
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
//#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
//#include <Hash.h>
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <LibTeleinfo.h>
#include <fs.h>
// Global project file
#include "Wifinfo.h"
//WiFiManager wifi(0);
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
bool ota_blink;
// Teleinfo
TInfo tinfo;
// RGB Loed
NeoPixelBus rgb_led = NeoPixelBus(1, RGB_LED_PIN, NEO_RGB | NEO_KHZ800);
// define whole brigtness level for RGBLED
uint8_t rgb_brightness = 127;
// LED Blink timers
Ticker rgb_ticker;
Ticker blu_ticker;
Ticker red_ticker;
Ticker Every_1_Sec;
Ticker Tick_emoncms;
Ticker Tick_jeedom;
volatile boolean task_1_sec = false;
volatile boolean task_emoncms = false;
volatile boolean task_jeedom = false;
unsigned long seconds = 0;
// sysinfo data
_sysinfo sysinfo;
/* ======================================================================
Function: UpdateSysinfo
Purpose : update sysinfo variables
Input : true if first call
true if needed to print on serial debug
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void UpdateSysinfo(boolean first_call, boolean show_debug)
char buff[64];
int32_t adc;
int sec = seconds;
int min = sec / 60;
int hr = min / 60;
sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("%02d:%02d:%02d"), hr, min % 60, sec % 60);
sysinfo.sys_uptime = buff;
/* ======================================================================
Function: Task_1_Sec
Purpose : update our second ticker
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void Task_1_Sec()
task_1_sec = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: Task_emoncms
Purpose : callback of emoncms ticker
Input :
Output : -
Comments: Like an Interrupt, need to be short, we set flag for main loop
====================================================================== */
void Task_emoncms()
task_emoncms = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: Task_jeedom
Purpose : callback of jeedom ticker
Input :
Output : -
Comments: Like an Interrupt, need to be short, we set flag for main loop
====================================================================== */
void Task_jeedom()
task_jeedom = true;
/* ======================================================================
Function: LedOff
Purpose : callback called after led blink delay
Input : led (defined in term of PIN)
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void LedOff(int led)
#ifdef BLU_LED_PIN
if (led==BLU_LED_PIN)
if (led==RED_LED_PIN)
if (led==RGB_LED_PIN)
/* ======================================================================
Function: ADPSCallback
Purpose : called by library when we detected a ADPS on any phased
Input : phase number
0 for ADPS (monophase)
1 for ADIR1 triphase
2 for ADIR2 triphase
3 for ADIR3 triphase
Output : -
Comments: should have been initialised in the main sketch with a
====================================================================== */
void ADPSCallback(uint8_t phase)
// Monophasé
if (phase == 0 ) {
} else {
Debug(F("ADPS Phase "));
Debugln('0' + phase);
/* ======================================================================
Function: DataCallback
Purpose : callback when we detected new or modified data received
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void DataCallback(ValueList * me, uint8_t flags)
// This is for simulating ADPS during my tests
// ===========================================
static uint8_t test = 0;
// Each new/updated values
if (++test >= 20) {
uint8_t anotherflag = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE;
ValueList * anotherme = tinfo.addCustomValue("ADPS", "46", &anotherflag);
// Do our job (mainly debug)
DataCallback(anotherme, anotherflag);
// ===========================================
// Do whatever you want there
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_NOTHING ) Debug(F(" Nothing"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED ) Debug(F(" Added"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED ) Debug(F(" Updated"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST ) Debug(F(" Exist"));
if ( flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ALERT ) Debug(F(" Alert"));
/* ======================================================================
Function: NewFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void NewFrame(ValueList * me)
char buff[32];
// Light the RGB LED
if ( config.config & CFG_RGB_LED) {
// led off after delay
rgb_ticker.once_ms( (uint32_t) BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, (int) RGB_LED_PIN);
sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("New Frame (%ld Bytes free)"), ESP.getFreeHeap() );
/* ======================================================================
Function: NewFrame
Purpose : callback when we received a complete teleinfo frame
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
Output : -
Comments: it's called only if one data in the frame is different than
the previous frame
====================================================================== */
void UpdatedFrame(ValueList * me)
char buff[32];
// Light the RGB LED (purple)
if ( config.config & CFG_RGB_LED) {
// led off after delay
rgb_ticker.once_ms(BLINK_LED_MS, LedOff, RGB_LED_PIN);
sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("Updated Frame (%ld Bytes free)"), ESP.getFreeHeap() );
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
WiFiUDP myudp;
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
// start UDP server
ip[3] = 255;
// transmit broadcast package
myudp.beginPacket(ip, 1201);
// start of frame
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
me = me->next;
// prepare line and write it
sprintf_P( buff, PSTR("%s %s %c\n"),me->name, me->value, me->checksum );
myudp.write( buff);
// End of frame
/* ======================================================================
Function: ResetConfig
Purpose : Set configuration to default values
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void ResetConfig(void)
// enable default configuration
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(_Config));
// Set default Hostname
sprintf_P(config.host, PSTR("WifInfo_%06X"), ESP.getChipId());
strcpy_P(config.ota_auth, PSTR(DEFAULT_OTA_AUTH));
config.ota_port = DEFAULT_OTA_PORT ;
// Add other init default config here
// Emoncms
strcpy_P(config.emoncms.host, CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_HOST);
config.emoncms.port = CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_PORT;
strcpy_P(config.emoncms.url, CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_URL);
config.emoncms.apikey[0] = '\0';
config.emoncms.node = 0;
config.emoncms.freq = 0;
// Jeedom
strcpy_P(config.jeedom.host, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_HOST);
config.jeedom.port = CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_PORT;
strcpy_P(config.jeedom.url, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_URL);
strcpy_P(config.jeedom.adco, CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_ADCO);
config.jeedom.apikey[0] = '\0';
config.jeedom.freq = 0;
config.config |= CFG_RGB_LED;
// save back
/* ======================================================================
Function: WifiHandleConn
Purpose : Handle Wifi connection / reconnection and OTA updates
Input : setup true if we're called 1st Time from setup
Output : state of the wifi status
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
int WifiHandleConn(boolean setup = false)
int ret = WiFi.status();
if (setup) {
DebuglnF("========== SDK Saved parameters Start");
DebuglnF("========== SDK Saved parameters End");
// no correct SSID
if (!*config.ssid) {
DebugF("no Wifi SSID in config, trying to get SDK ones...");
// Let's see of SDK one is okay
if ( WiFi.SSID() == "" ) {
DebuglnF("Not found may be blank chip!");
} else {
*config.psk = '\0';
// Copy SDK SSID
strcpy(config.ssid, WiFi.SSID().c_str());
// Copy SDK password if any
if (WiFi.psk() != "")
strcpy(config.psk, WiFi.psk().c_str());
DebuglnF("found one!");
// save back new config
// correct SSID
if (*config.ssid) {
uint8_t timeout ;
DebugF("Connecting to: ");
// Do wa have a PSK ?
if (*config.psk) {
// protected network
Debug(F(" with key '"));
WiFi.begin(config.ssid, config.psk);
} else {
// Open network
Debug(F("unsecure AP"));
timeout = 25; // 25 * 200 ms = 5 sec time out
// 200 ms loop
while ( ((ret = WiFi.status()) != WL_CONNECTED) && timeout )
// Orange LED
// connected ? disable AP, client mode only
if (ret == WL_CONNECTED)
DebugF("IP address : "); Debugln(WiFi.localIP());
DebugF("MAC address : "); Debugln(WiFi.macAddress());
// not connected ? start AP
} else {
char ap_ssid[32];
// SSID = hostname
strcpy(ap_ssid, config.host );
DebugF("Switching to AP ");
// protected network
if (*config.ap_psk) {
DebugF(" with key '");
WiFi.softAP(ap_ssid, config.ap_psk);
// Open network
} else {
DebuglnF(" with no password");
DebugF("IP address : "); Debugln(WiFi.softAPIP());
DebugF("MAC address : "); Debugln(WiFi.softAPmacAddress());
// Set OTA parameters
// just in case your sketch sucks, keep update OTA Available
// Trust me, when coding and testing it happens, this could save
// the need to connect FTDI to reflash
// Usefull just after 1st connexion when called from setup() before
// launching potentially buggy main()
for (uint8_t i=0; i<= 10; i++) {
} // if setup
return WiFi.status();
/* ======================================================================
Function: setup
Purpose : Setup I/O and other one time startup stuff
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void setup()
char buff[32];
boolean reset_config = true;
// Set CPU speed to 160MHz
// Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected
// Init the RGB Led, and set it off
// Init the serial 1, Our Debug Serial TXD0
// note this serial can only transmit, just
// enough for debugging purpose
Debug(F("WifInfo V"));
// Clear our global flags
config.config = 0;
// Our configuration is stored into EEPROM
DebugF("Config size="); Debug(sizeof(_Config));
DebugF(" (emoncms="); Debug(sizeof(_emoncms));
DebugF(" jeedom="); Debug(sizeof(_jeedom));
// Check File system init
if (!SPIFFS.begin())
// Serious problem
DebuglnF("SPIFFS Mount failed");
} else {
DebuglnF("SPIFFS Mount succesfull");
Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/");
while (dir.next()) {
String fileName = dir.fileName();
size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize();
Debugf("FS File: %s, size: %d\n", fileName.c_str(), fileSize);
// Read Configuration from EEP
if (readConfig()) {
DebuglnF("Good CRC, not set!");
} else {
// Reset Configuration
// save back
// Indicate the error in global flags
config.config |= CFG_BAD_CRC;
DebuglnF("Reset to default");
// We'll drive our onboard LED
// old TXD1, not used anymore, has been swapped
// start Wifi connect or soft AP
// OTA callbacks
ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
DebuglnF("Update Started");
ota_blink = true;
ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
DebuglnF("Update finished restarting");
ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
if (ota_blink) {
} else {
ota_blink = !ota_blink;
//Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\n", (progress / (total / 100)));
ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
Debugf("Update Error[%u]: ", error);
if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) DebuglnF("Auth Failed");
else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) DebuglnF("Begin Failed");
else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) DebuglnF("Connect Failed");
else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) DebuglnF("Receive Failed");
else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) DebuglnF("End Failed");
// Update sysinfo variable and print them
UpdateSysinfo(true, true);
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/config_form.json", handleFormConfig);
server.on("/json", sendJSON);
server.on("/tinfo.json", tinfoJSONTable);
server.on("/system.json", sysJSONTable);
server.on("/config.json", confJSONTable);
server.on("/spiffs.json", spiffsJSONTable);
server.on("/wifiscan.json", wifiScanJSON);
server.on("/factory_reset", handleFactoryReset);
server.on("/reset", handleReset);
// handler for the hearbeat
server.on("/hb.htm", HTTP_GET, [&](){
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
server.send(200, "text/html", R"(OK)");
// handler for the /update form POST (once file upload finishes)
server.on("/update", HTTP_POST,
// handler once file upload finishes
[&]() {
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError())?"FAIL":"OK");
// handler for upload, get's the sketch bytes,
// and writes them through the Update object
[&]() {
HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000;
Debugf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str());
ota_blink = true;
//start with max available size
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
if (ota_blink) {
} else {
ota_blink = !ota_blink;
if(Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize)
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
//true to set the size to the current progress
Debugf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize);
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED) {
DebuglnF("Update was aborted");
// All other not known
// serves all SPIFFS Web file with 24hr max-age control
// to avoid multiple requests to ESP
server.serveStatic("/font", SPIFFS, "/font","max-age=86400");
server.serveStatic("/js", SPIFFS, "/js" ,"max-age=86400");
server.serveStatic("/css", SPIFFS, "/css" ,"max-age=86400");
// Display configuration
Debugln(F("HTTP server started"));
// Teleinfo is connected to RXD2 (GPIO13) to
// avoid conflict when flashing, this is why
// we swap RXD1/RXD1 to RXD2/TXD2
// Note that TXD2 is not used teleinfo is receive only
Serial.begin(1200, SERIAL_7E1);
// Init teleinfo
// Attach the callback we need
// set all as an example
// Light off the RGB LED
// Update sysinfo every second
Every_1_Sec.attach(1, Task_1_Sec);
// Emoncms Update if needed
if (config.emoncms.freq)
Tick_emoncms.attach(config.emoncms.freq, Task_emoncms);
// Jeedom Update if needed
if (config.jeedom.freq)
Tick_jeedom.attach(config.jeedom.freq, Task_jeedom);
/* ======================================================================
Function: loop
Purpose : infinite loop main code
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void loop()
char c;
// Do all related network stuff
// Only once task per loop, let system do it own task
if (task_1_sec) {
UpdateSysinfo(false, false);
task_1_sec = false;
} else if (task_emoncms) {
} else if (task_jeedom) {
// Handle teleinfo serial
if ( Serial.available() ) {
// Read Serial and process to tinfo
c = Serial.read();

View File

@ -58,11 +58,10 @@ void eepromDump(uint8_t bytesPerRow)
// loop thru EEP address
for (i = 0; i <= sizeof(_Config); i++) {
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_Config); i++) {
// First byte of the row ?
if (j==0) {
// Display Address
Debugf("%04X : ", i);
@ -81,18 +80,18 @@ void eepromDump(uint8_t bytesPerRow)
/* ======================================================================
Function: readConfig
Purpose : fill config structure with data located into eeprom
Input : -
Input : true if we need to clear actual struc in case of error
Output : true if config found and crc ok, false otherwise
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
bool readConfig (void)
bool readConfig (bool clear_on_error)
uint16_t crc = ~0;
uint8_t * pconfig = (uint8_t *) &config ;
uint8_t data ;
// For whole size of config structure
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(_Config); ++i) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(_Config); ++i) {
// read data
data = EEPROM.read(i);
@ -105,8 +104,9 @@ bool readConfig (void)
// CRC Error ?
if (crc != 0) {
// Clear config
memset(&config, 0, sizeof( _Config ));
// Clear config if wanted
if (clear_on_error)
memset(&config, 0, sizeof( _Config ));
return false;
@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ bool saveConfig (void)
uint8_t * pconfig ;
bool ret_code;
// Init pointer
pconfig = (uint8_t *) &config ;
@ -132,28 +134,32 @@ bool saveConfig (void)
config.crc = ~0;
// For whole size of config structure, pre-calculate CRC
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof (_Config) - 2; ++i)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof (_Config) - 2; ++i)
config.crc = crc16Update(config.crc, *pconfig++);
// Re init pointer
pconfig = (uint8_t *) &config ;
// For whole size of config structure, write to EEP
for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(_Config); ++i)
EEPROM.write(i, *pconfig++);
// For whole size of config structure, write to EEP
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(_Config); ++i)
EEPROM.write(i, *pconfig++);
// Physically save
// Read Again to see if saved ok
ret_code = readConfig();
// Read Again to see if saved ok, but do
// not clear if error this avoid clearing
// default config and breaks OTA
ret_code = readConfig(false);
Debug(F("Write config"));
Debug(F("Write config "));
if (ret_code)
// return result
return (ret_code);
@ -168,6 +174,32 @@ Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void showConfig()
DebuglnF("===== Wifi");
DebugF("ssid :"); Debugln(config.ssid);
DebugF("psk :"); Debugln(config.psk);
DebugF("host :"); Debugln(config.host);
DebugF("ap_psk :"); Debugln(config.ap_psk);
DebugF("OTA auth :"); Debugln(config.ota_auth);
DebugF("OTA port :"); Debugln(config.ota_port);
DebugF("Config :");
if (config.config & CFG_RGB_LED) DebugF(" RGB");
if (config.config & CFG_DEBUG) DebugF(" DEBUG");
if (config.config & CFG_LCD) DebugF(" LCD");
DebuglnF("\r\n===== Emoncms");
DebugF("host :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.host);
DebugF("port :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.port);
DebugF("url :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.url);
DebugF("key :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.apikey);
DebugF("node :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.node);
DebugF("freq :"); Debugln(config.emoncms.freq);
DebuglnF("\r\n===== Jeedom");
DebugF("host :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.host);
DebugF("port :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.port);
DebugF("url :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.url);
DebugF("key :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.apikey);
DebugF("compteur :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.adco);
DebugF("freq :"); Debugln(config.jeedom.freq);

examples/Wifinfo/config.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server configuration Include file
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
#ifndef __CONFIG_H__
#define __CONFIG_H__
// Include main project include file
#include "Wifinfo.h"
#define CFG_SSID_SIZE 32
#define CFG_PSK_SIZE 64
#define CFG_EMON_URL_SIZE 32
#define CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_HOST "emoncms.org"
#define CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_URL "/input/post.json"
#define CFG_JDOM_URL_SIZE 64
#define CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_HOST "jeedom.local"
#define CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_URL "/jeedom/plugins/teleinfo/core/php/jeeTeleinfo.php"
#define CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_ADCO "0000111122223333"
// Port pour l'OTA
#define DEFAULT_OTA_PORT 8266
#define DEFAULT_OTA_AUTH "OTA_WifInfo"
//#define DEFAULT_OTA_AUTH ""
// Bit definition for different configuration modes
#define CFG_LCD 0x0001 // Enable display
#define CFG_DEBUG 0x0002 // Enable serial debug
#define CFG_RGB_LED 0x0004 // Enable RGB LED
#define CFG_BAD_CRC 0x8000 // Bad CRC when reading configuration
// Web Interface Configuration Form field names
#define CFG_FORM_SSID FPSTR("ssid")
#define CFG_FORM_PSK FPSTR("psk")
#define CFG_FORM_HOST FPSTR("host")
#define CFG_FORM_AP_PSK FPSTR("ap_psk")
#define CFG_FORM_OTA_AUTH FPSTR("ota_auth")
#define CFG_FORM_OTA_PORT FPSTR("ota_port")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_HOST FPSTR("emon_host")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_PORT FPSTR("emon_port")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_URL FPSTR("emon_url")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_KEY FPSTR("emon_apikey")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_NODE FPSTR("emon_node")
#define CFG_FORM_EMON_FREQ FPSTR("emon_freq")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_HOST FPSTR("jdom_host")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_PORT FPSTR("jdom_port")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_URL FPSTR("jdom_url")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_KEY FPSTR("jdom_apikey")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_ADCO FPSTR("jdom_adco")
#define CFG_FORM_JDOM_FREQ FPSTR("jdom_freq")
#define CFG_FORM_IP FPSTR("wifi_ip");
#define CFG_FORM_GW FPSTR("wifi_gw");
#define CFG_FORM_MSK FPSTR("wifi_msk");
#pragma pack(push) // push current alignment to stack
#pragma pack(1) // set alignment to 1 byte boundary
// Config for emoncms
// 128 Bytes
typedef struct
char host[CFG_EMON_HOST_SIZE+1]; // FQDN
char apikey[CFG_EMON_APIKEY_SIZE+1]; // Secret
char url[CFG_EMON_URL_SIZE+1]; // Post URL
uint8_t port; // Protocol port (HTTP/HTTPS)
uint8_t node; // optional node
uint32_t freq; // refresh rate
uint8_t filler[23]; // in case adding data in config avoiding loosing current conf by bad crc*/
} _emoncms;
// Config for jeedom
// 160 Bytes
typedef struct
char host[CFG_JDOM_HOST_SIZE+1]; // FQDN
char apikey[CFG_JDOM_APIKEY_SIZE+1]; // Secret
char url[CFG_JDOM_URL_SIZE+1]; // Post URL
char adco[CFG_JDOM_ADCO_SIZE+1]; // Identifiant compteur
uint8_t port; // Protocol port (HTTP/HTTPS)
uint32_t freq; // refresh rate
uint8_t filler[11]; // in case adding data in config avoiding loosing current conf by bad crc*/
} _jeedom;
// Config saved into eeprom
// 1024 bytes total including CRC
typedef struct
char ssid[CFG_SSID_SIZE+1]; // SSID
char psk[CFG_PSK_SIZE+1]; // Pre shared key
char host[CFG_HOSTNAME_SIZE+1]; // Hostname
char ap_psk[CFG_PSK_SIZE+1]; // Access Point Pre shared key
char ota_auth[CFG_PSK_SIZE+1]; // OTA Authentication password
uint32_t config; // Bit field register
uint16_t ota_port; // OTA port
uint8_t filler[131]; // in case adding data in config avoiding loosing current conf by bad crc
_emoncms emoncms; // Emoncms configuration
_jeedom jeedom; // jeedom configuration
uint8_t filler1[352]; // Another filler in case we need more
uint16_t crc;
} _Config;
// Exported variables/object instancied in main sketch
// ===================================================
extern _Config config;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Declared exported function from route.cpp
// ===================================================
bool readConfig(bool clear_on_error=true);
bool saveConfig(void);
void showConfig(void);

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Client, web server function
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use, see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-12-04 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
#include "webclient.h"
/* ======================================================================
Function: httpPost
Purpose : Do a http post
Input : hostname
Output : true if received 200 OK
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
boolean httpPost(char * host, uint16_t port, char * url)
HTTPClient http;
bool ret = false;
unsigned long start = millis();
// configure traged server and url
http.begin(host, port, url, port==443 ? true : false);
//http.begin("emoncms.org", 80, "/input/post.json?node=20&apikey=2f13e4608d411d20354485f72747de7b&json={}"); //HTTP
Debugf("http%s://%s:%d%s => ", port==443?"s":"", host, port, url);
// start connection and send HTTP header
int httpCode = http.GET();
if(httpCode) {
// HTTP header has been send and Server response header has been handled
Debug(" ");
// file found at server
if(httpCode == 200) {
String payload = http.getString();
ret = true;
} else {
Debugf(" in %d ms\r\n",millis()-start);
return ret;
/* ======================================================================
Function: emoncmsPost
Purpose : Do a http post to emoncms
Input :
Output : true if post returned 200 OK
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
boolean emoncmsPost(void)
boolean ret = false;
// Some basic checking
if (*config.emoncms.host) {
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
// Got at least one ?
if (me && me->next) {
String url ;
boolean first_item;
url = *config.emoncms.url ? config.emoncms.url : "/";
url += "?";
if (config.emoncms.node>0) {
url+= F("node=");
url+= String(config.emoncms.node);
url+= "&";
url += F("apikey=") ;
url += config.emoncms.apikey;
url += F("&json={") ;
first_item = true;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// First item do not add , separator
if (first_item)
first_item = false;
url += ",";
url += me->name ;
url += ":" ;
// EMONCMS ne sais traiter que des valeurs numériques, donc ici il faut faire une
// table de mappage, tout à fait arbitraire, mais c"est celle-ci dont je me sers
// depuis mes débuts avec la téléinfo
if (!strcmp(me->name, "OPTARIF")) {
// L'option tarifaire choisie (Groupe "OPTARIF") est codée sur 4 caractères alphanumériques
/* J'ai pris un nombre arbitraire codé dans l'ordre ci-dessous
je mets le 4eme char à 0, trop de possibilités
BASE => Option Base.
HC.. => Option Heures Creuses.
EJP. => Option EJP.
BBRx => Option Tempo
char * p = me->value;
if (*p=='B'&&*(p+1)=='A'&&*(p+2)=='S') url += "1";
else if (*p=='H'&&*(p+1)=='C'&&*(p+2)=='.') url += "2";
else if (*p=='E'&&*(p+1)=='J'&&*(p+2)=='P') url += "3";
else if (*p=='B'&&*(p+1)=='B'&&*(p+2)=='R') url += "4";
else url +="0";
} else if (!strcmp(me->name, "HHPHC")) {
// L'horaire heures pleines/heures creuses (Groupe "HHPHC") est codé par un caractère A à Y
// J'ai choisi de prendre son code ASCII
int code = *me->value;
url += String(code);
} else if (!strcmp(me->name, "PTEC")) {
// La période tarifaire en cours (Groupe "PTEC"), est codée sur 4 caractères
/* J'ai pris un nombre arbitraire codé dans l'ordre ci-dessous
TH.. => Toutes les Heures.
HC.. => Heures Creuses.
HP.. => Heures Pleines.
HN.. => Heures Normales.
PM.. => Heures de Pointe Mobile.
HCJB => Heures Creuses Jours Bleus.
HCJW => Heures Creuses Jours Blancs (White).
HCJR => Heures Creuses Jours Rouges.
HPJB => Heures Pleines Jours Bleus.
HPJW => Heures Pleines Jours Blancs (White).
HPJR => Heures Pleines Jours Rouges.
if (!strcmp(me->value, "TH..")) url += "1";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HC..")) url += "2";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HP..")) url += "3";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HN..")) url += "4";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "PM..")) url += "5";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HCJB")) url += "6";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HCJW")) url += "7";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HCJR")) url += "8";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HPJB")) url += "9";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HPJW")) url += "10";
else if (!strcmp(me->value, "HPJR")) url += "11";
else url +="0";
} else {
url += me->value;
} // While me
// Json end
url += "}";
ret = httpPost( config.emoncms.host, config.emoncms.port, (char *) url.c_str()) ;
} // if me
} // if host
return ret;
/* ======================================================================
Function: jeedomPost
Purpose : Do a http post to jeedom server
Input :
Output : true if post returned 200 OK
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
boolean jeedomPost(void)
boolean ret = false;
// Some basic checking
if (*config.jeedom.host) {
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
// Got at least one ?
if (me && me->next) {
String url ;
boolean skip_item;
url = *config.jeedom.url ? config.jeedom.url : "/";
url += "?";
// Config identifiant forcée ?
if (*config.jeedom.adco) {
url+= F("ADCO=");
url+= config.jeedom.adco;
url+= "&";
url += F("api=") ;
url += config.jeedom.apikey;
url += F("&") ;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
skip_item = false;
// Si ADCO déjà renseigné, on le remet pas
if (!strcmp(me->name, "ADCO")) {
if (*config.jeedom.adco)
skip_item = true;
// Si Item virtuel, on le met pas
if (*me->name =='_')
skip_item = true;
// On doit ajouter l'item ?
if (!skip_item) {
url += me->name ;
url += "=" ;
url += me->value;
url += "&" ;
} // While me
ret = httpPost( config.jeedom.host, config.jeedom.port, (char *) url.c_str()) ;
} // if me
} // if host
return ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Client routing Include file
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-12-04 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include main project include file
#include "Wifinfo.h"
// Exported variables/object instancied in main sketch
// ===================================================
// declared exported function from route.cpp
// ===================================================
boolean httpPost(char * host, uint16_t port, char * url);
boolean emoncmsPost(void);
boolean jeedomPost(void);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// ESP8266 Teleinfo WEB Server, route web function
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use, see my blog
// http://hallard.me/category/tinfo
// This program works with the Wifinfo board
// see schematic here https://github.com/hallard/teleinfo/tree/master/Wifinfo
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// **********************************************************************************
// Include Arduino header
#include "webserver.h"
// Optimize string space in flash, avoid duplication
const char FP_JSON_START[] PROGMEM = "{\r\n";
const char FP_JSON_END[] PROGMEM = "\r\n}\r\n";
const char FP_QCQ[] PROGMEM = "\":\"";
const char FP_QCNL[] PROGMEM = "\",\r\n\"";
const char FP_RESTART[] PROGMEM = "OK, Redémarrage en cours\r\n";
const char FP_NL[] PROGMEM = "\r\n";
/* ======================================================================
Function: formatSize
Purpose : format a asize to human readable format
Input : size
Output : formated string
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
String formatSize(size_t bytes)
if (bytes < 1024){
return String(bytes) + F(" Byte");
} else if(bytes < (1024 * 1024)){
return String(bytes/1024.0) + F(" KB");
} else if(bytes < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)){
return String(bytes/1024.0/1024.0) + F(" MB");
} else {
return String(bytes/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0) + F(" GB");
/* ======================================================================
Function: getContentType
Purpose : return correct mime content type depending on file extension
Input : -
Output : Mime content type
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
String getContentType(String filename) {
if(filename.endsWith(".htm")) return F("text/html");
else if(filename.endsWith(".html")) return F("text/html");
else if(filename.endsWith(".css")) return F("text/css");
else if(filename.endsWith(".json")) return F("text/json");
else if(filename.endsWith(".js")) return F("application/javascript");
else if(filename.endsWith(".png")) return F("image/png");
else if(filename.endsWith(".gif")) return F("image/gif");
else if(filename.endsWith(".jpg")) return F("image/jpeg");
else if(filename.endsWith(".ico")) return F("image/x-icon");
else if(filename.endsWith(".xml")) return F("text/xml");
else if(filename.endsWith(".pdf")) return F("application/x-pdf");
else if(filename.endsWith(".zip")) return F("application/x-zip");
else if(filename.endsWith(".gz")) return F("application/x-gzip");
else if(filename.endsWith(".otf")) return F("application/x-font-opentype");
else if(filename.endsWith(".eot")) return F("application/vnd.ms-fontobject");
else if(filename.endsWith(".svg")) return F("image/svg+xml");
else if(filename.endsWith(".woff")) return F("application/x-font-woff");
else if(filename.endsWith(".woff2")) return F("application/x-font-woff2");
else if(filename.endsWith(".ttf")) return F("application/x-font-ttf");
return "text/plain";
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleFileRead
Purpose : return content of a file stored on SPIFFS file system
Input : file path
Output : true if file found and sent
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
bool handleFileRead(String path) {
if ( path.endsWith("/") )
path += "index.htm";
String contentType = getContentType(path);
String pathWithGz = path + ".gz";
DebugF("handleFileRead ");
if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) {
if( SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) ){
path += ".gz";
DebuglnF(" found on FS");
File file = SPIFFS.open(path, "r");
size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, contentType);
return true;
server.send(404, "text/plain", "File Not Found");
return false;
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleFormConfig
Purpose : handle main configuration page
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleFormConfig(void)
String response="";
int ret ;
// We validated config ?
if (server.hasArg("save"))
int itemp;
DebuglnF("===== Posted configuration");
// WifInfo
strncpy(config.ssid , server.arg("ssid").c_str(), CFG_SSID_SIZE );
strncpy(config.psk , server.arg("psk").c_str(), CFG_PSK_SIZE );
strncpy(config.host , server.arg("host").c_str(), CFG_HOSTNAME_SIZE );
strncpy(config.ap_psk , server.arg("ap_psk").c_str(), CFG_PSK_SIZE );
strncpy(config.ota_auth,server.arg("ota_auth").c_str(), CFG_PSK_SIZE );
itemp = server.arg("ota_port").toInt();
config.ota_port = (itemp>=0 && itemp<=65535) ? itemp : DEFAULT_OTA_PORT ;
// Emoncms
strncpy(config.emoncms.host, server.arg("emon_host").c_str(), CFG_EMON_HOST_SIZE );
strncpy(config.emoncms.url, server.arg("emon_url").c_str(), CFG_EMON_URL_SIZE );
strncpy(config.emoncms.apikey, server.arg("emon_apikey").c_str(),CFG_EMON_APIKEY_SIZE );
itemp = server.arg("emon_node").toInt();
config.emoncms.node = (itemp>=0 && itemp<=255) ? itemp : 0 ;
itemp = server.arg("emon_port").toInt();
config.emoncms.port = (itemp>=0 && itemp<=65535) ? itemp : CFG_EMON_DEFAULT_PORT ;
itemp = server.arg("emon_freq").toInt();
if (itemp>0 && itemp<=86400){
// Emoncms Update if needed
Tick_emoncms.attach(itemp, Task_emoncms);
} else {
itemp = 0 ;
config.emoncms.freq = itemp;
// jeedom
strncpy(config.jeedom.host, server.arg("jdom_host").c_str(), CFG_JDOM_HOST_SIZE );
strncpy(config.jeedom.url, server.arg("jdom_url").c_str(), CFG_JDOM_URL_SIZE );
strncpy(config.jeedom.apikey, server.arg("jdom_apikey").c_str(),CFG_JDOM_APIKEY_SIZE );
strncpy(config.jeedom.adco, server.arg("jdom_adco").c_str(),CFG_JDOM_ADCO_SIZE );
itemp = server.arg("jdom_port").toInt();
config.jeedom.port = (itemp>=0 && itemp<=65535) ? itemp : CFG_JDOM_DEFAULT_PORT ;
itemp = server.arg("jdom_freq").toInt();
if (itemp>0 && itemp<=86400){
// Emoncms Update if needed
Tick_jeedom.attach(itemp, Task_jeedom);
} else {
itemp = 0 ;
config.jeedom.freq = itemp;
if ( saveConfig() ) {
ret = 200;
response = PSTR("OK");
} else {
ret = 412;
response = PSTR("Unable to save configuration");
ret = 400;
response = PSTR("Missing Form Field");
DebugF("Sending response ");
server.send ( ret, "text/plain", response);
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleRoot
Purpose : handle main page /
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleRoot(void)
/* ======================================================================
Function: formatNumberJSON
Purpose : check if data value is full number and send correct JSON format
Input : String where to add response
char * value to check
Output : -
Comments: 00150 => 150
1 => 1
====================================================================== */
void formatNumberJSON( String &response, char * value)
// we have at least something ?
if (value && strlen(value))
boolean isNumber = true;
uint8_t c;
char * p = value;
// just to be sure
if (strlen(p)<=16) {
// check if value is number
while (*p && isNumber) {
if ( *p < '0' || *p > '9' )
isNumber = false;
// this will add "" on not number values
if (!isNumber) {
response += '\"' ;
response += value ;
response += F("\"") ;
} else {
// this will remove leading zero on numbers
p = value;
while (*p=='0' && *(p+1) )
response += p ;
} else {
Debugln(F("formatNumberJSON error!"));
/* ======================================================================
Function: tinfoJSONTable
Purpose : dump all teleinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void tinfoJSONTable(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /tinfo page...\r\n"));
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
uint8_t index=0;
boolean first_item = true;
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// we're there
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// First item do not add , separator
if (first_item)
first_item = false;
response += F(",\r\n");
Debug(F("(")) ;
Debug(++index) ;
Debug(F(") ")) ;
if (me->name) Debug(me->name) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F("=")) ;
if (me->value) Debug(me->value) ;
else Debug(F("NULL")) ;
Debug(F(" '")) ;
Debug(me->checksum) ;
Debug(F("' "));
// Flags management
if ( me->flags) {
Debugf("%02X => ", me->flags);
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST)
Debug(F("Exist ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED)
Debug(F("Updated ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED)
Debug(F("New ")) ;
Debugln() ;
response += F("{\"na\":\"");
response += me->name ;
response += F("\", \"va\":\"") ;
response += me->value;
response += F("\", \"ck\":\"") ;
if (me->checksum == '"' || me->checksum == '\\' || me->checksum == '/')
response += '\\';
response += (char) me->checksum;
response += F("\", \"fl\":");
response += me->flags ;
response += '}' ;
// Json end
response += F("\r\n]");
} else {
Debugln(F("sending 404..."));
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: getSysJSONData
Purpose : Return JSON string containing system data
Input : Response String
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void getSysJSONData(String & response)
response = "";
char buffer[32];
int32_t adc = ( 1000 * analogRead(A0) / 1024 );
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
response += "{\"na\":\"Uptime\",\"va\":\"";
response += sysinfo.sys_uptime;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"WifInfo Version\",\"va\":\"" WIFINFO_VERSION "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Compile le\",\"va\":\"" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"SDK Version\",\"va\":\"";
response += system_get_sdk_version() ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Chip ID\",\"va\":\"";
sprintf_P(buffer, "0x%0X",system_get_chip_id() );
response += buffer ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Boot Version\",\"va\":\"";
sprintf_P(buffer, "0x%0X",system_get_boot_version() );
response += buffer ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Flash Real Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()) ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Firmware Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(ESP.getSketchSize()) ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Size\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(ESP.getFreeSketchSpace()) ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"Analog\",\"va\":\"";
adc = ( (1000 * analogRead(A0)) / 1024);
sprintf_P( buffer, PSTR("%d mV"), adc);
response += buffer ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
FSInfo info;
response += "{\"na\":\"SPIFFS Total\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(info.totalBytes) ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"SPIFFS Used\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(info.usedBytes) ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
response += "{\"na\":\"SPIFFS Occupation\",\"va\":\"";
sprintf_P(buffer, "%d%%",100*info.usedBytes/info.totalBytes);
response += buffer ;
response += "\"},\r\n";
// Free mem should be last one
response += "{\"na\":\"Free Ram\",\"va\":\"";
response += formatSize(system_get_free_heap_size()) ;
response += "\"}\r\n"; // Last don't have comma at end
// Json end
response += F("]\r\n");
/* ======================================================================
Function: sysJSONTable
Purpose : dump all sysinfo values in JSON table format for browser
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sysJSONTable()
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /system page..."));
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: getConfigJSONData
Purpose : Return JSON string containing configuration data
Input : Response String
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void getConfJSONData(String & r)
// Json start
r+=CFG_FORM_SSID; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.ssid; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_PSK; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.psk; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_HOST; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.host; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_AP_PSK; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.ap_psk; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_HOST; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.host; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_PORT; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.port; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_URL; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.url; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_KEY; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.apikey; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_NODE; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.node; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_EMON_FREQ; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.emoncms.freq; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_OTA_AUTH; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.ota_auth; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_OTA_PORT; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.ota_port; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_HOST; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.host; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_PORT; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.port; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_URL; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.url; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_KEY; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.apikey; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_ADCO; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.adco; r+= FPSTR(FP_QCNL);
r+=CFG_FORM_JDOM_FREQ; r+=FPSTR(FP_QCQ); r+=config.jeedom.freq;
r+= F("\"");
// Json end
/* ======================================================================
Function: confJSONTable
Purpose : dump all config values in JSON table format for browser
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void confJSONTable()
String response = "";
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /config page..."));
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: getSpiffsJSONData
Purpose : Return JSON string containing list of SPIFFS files
Input : Response String
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void getSpiffsJSONData(String & response)
char buffer[32];
bool first_item = true;
// Json start
response = FPSTR(FP_JSON_START);
// Files Array
response += F("\"files\":[\r\n");
// Loop trough all files
Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/");
while (dir.next()) {
String fileName = dir.fileName();
size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize();
if (first_item)
response += ",";
response += F("{\"na\":\"");
response += fileName.c_str();
response += F("\",\"va\":\"");
response += fileSize;
response += F("\"}\r\n");
response += F("],\r\n");
// SPIFFS File system array
response += F("\"spiffs\":[\r\n{");
// Get SPIFFS File system informations
FSInfo info;
response += F("\"Total\":");
response += info.totalBytes ;
response += F(", \"Used\":");
response += info.usedBytes ;
response += F(", \"ram\":");
response += system_get_free_heap_size() ;
response += F("}\r\n]");
// Json end
response += FPSTR(FP_JSON_END);
/* ======================================================================
Function: spiffsJSONTable
Purpose : dump all spiffs system in JSON table format for browser
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void spiffsJSONTable()
String response = "";
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: sendJSON
Purpose : dump all values in JSON
Input : linked list pointer on the concerned data
true to dump all values, false for only modified ones
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void sendJSON(void)
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
String response = "";
// Got at least one ?
if (me) {
// Json start
response += FPSTR(FP_JSON_START);
response += F("\"_UPTIME\":");
response += seconds;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
response += F(",\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
// Json end
response += FPSTR(FP_JSON_END) ;
} else {
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", "No data" );
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: wifiScanJSON
Purpose : scan Wifi Access Point and return JSON code
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void wifiScanJSON(void)
String response = "";
bool first = true;
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /wifiscan page..."));
int n = WiFi.scanNetworks();
// Json start
response += F("[\r\n");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
int8_t rssi = WiFi.RSSI(i);
uint8_t percent;
// dBm to Quality
if(rssi<=-100) percent = 0;
else if (rssi>=-50) percent = 100;
else percent = 2 * (rssi + 100);
if (first)
first = false;
response += F(",");
response += F("{\"ssid\":\"");
response += WiFi.SSID(i);
response += F("\",\"rssi\":") ;
response += rssi;
response += FPSTR(FP_JSON_END);
// Json end
response += FPSTR("]\r\n");
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleFactoryReset
Purpose : reset the module to factory settingd
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleFactoryReset(void)
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /factory_reset page..."));
server.send ( 200, "text/plain", FPSTR(FP_RESTART) );
while (true)
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleReset
Purpose : reset the module
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleReset(void)
// Just to debug where we are
Debug(F("Serving /reset page..."));
server.send ( 200, "text/plain", FPSTR(FP_RESTART) );
while (true)
/* ======================================================================
Function: handleNotFound
Purpose : default WEB routing when URI is not found
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void handleNotFound(void)
String response = "";
boolean found = false;
// Led on
// try to return SPIFFS file
found = handleFileRead(server.uri());
// Try Teleinfo ETIQUETTE
if (!found) {
// We check for an known label
ValueList * me = tinfo.getList();
const char * uri;
// convert uri to char * for compare
uri = server.uri().c_str();
Debugf("handleNotFound(%s)\r\n", uri);
// Got at least one and consistent URI ?
if (me && uri && *uri=='/' && *++uri ) {
// Loop thru the linked list of values
while (me->next && !found) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
//Debugf("compare to '%s' ", me->name);
// Do we have this one ?
if (stricmp (me->name, uri) == 0 )
// no need to continue
found = true;
// Add to respone
response += F("{\"") ;
response += me->name ;
response += F("\":") ;
formatNumberJSON(response, me->value);
response += F("}\r\n");
// Got it, send json
if (found)
server.send ( 200, "text/json", response );
// All trys failed
if (!found) {
// send error message in plain text
String message = F("File Not Found\n\n");
message += F("URI: ");
message += server.uri();
message += F("\nMethod: ");
message += ( server.method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST";
message += F("\nArguments: ");
message += server.args();
message += FPSTR(FP_NL);
for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++ ) {
message += " " + server.argName ( i ) + ": " + server.arg ( i ) + FPSTR(FP_NL);
server.send ( 404, "text/plain", message );
// Led off

View File

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
// **********************************************************************************
#ifndef ROUTE_H
#define ROUTE_H
// Include main project include file
#include "ESP8266_WifInfo.h"
#include "Wifinfo.h"
// Web response max size
@ -38,10 +38,18 @@ extern uint16_t response_idx;
// ===================================================
void handleTest(void);
void handleRoot(void);
void handleFormConfig(void) ;
void handleNotFound(void);
void tinfoJSONTable(void);
void getSysJSONData(String & r);
void sysJSONTable(void);
void getConfJSONData(String & r);
void confJSONTable(void);
void getSpiffsJSONData(String & r);
void spiffsJSONTable(void);
void sendJSON(void);
void wifiScanJSON(void);
void handleFactoryReset(void);
void handleReset(void);